Cordova - Speichern Sie Bild aus url in das Gerät ein photo-Galerie

Ich entwickle eine Anwendung mit Apache Cordova lädt und speichert Bilder, aber ich kann nicht speichern und das anzeigen der Galerie, das Bild geht file:///data/data während ich versuche, die laufen auf Android, was kann ich tun?

Mein code:

 function download(URL, Folder_Name, File_Name) {
        //step to request a file system 
        window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, fileSystemSuccess, fileSystemFail);

        function fileSystemSuccess(fileSystem) {
            var download_link = encodeURI(URL);
            var ext = download_link.substring(download_link.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); //Get extension of URL
            var directoryEntry = fileSystem.root; //to get root path of directory
            directoryEntry.getDirectory(Folder_Name, { create: true, exclusive: false }, onDirectorySuccess, onDirectoryFail); //creating folder in sdcard
            var rootdir = fileSystem.root;
            var fp = rootdir.toURL(); //Returns Fulpath of local directory
            fp = fp + "/" + Folder_Name + "/" + File_Name; //fullpath and name of the file which we want to give
            //download function call                
            filetransfer(download_link, fp);

        function onDirectorySuccess(parent) {

        function onDirectoryFail(error) {
            //Error while creating directory
            alert("Unable to create new directory: " + error.code);

        function fileSystemFail(evt) {
            //Unable to access file system

    function filetransfer(download_link, fp) {
        var fileTransfer = new FileTransfer();
        //File download function with URL and local path, fp,
                            function (entry) {
                                //alert("download complete: " + entry.fullPath);
                         function (error) {
                             //Download abort errors or download failed errors
                             alert("download error source " + error.source);
                             //alert("download error target " +;
                             //alert("upload error code" + error.code);
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