Execution failed for task 'app:prepareDebugAndroidTestDependencies'

Ich versuche zu bauen, UI-tests für meine Applikation für Android in Android-Studio. Das problem ist, dass ich Sie nicht ausführen. Ich bekomme die Meldung: Execution failed for task 'app:prepareDebugAndroidTestDependencies", die ich nicht finden konnte, um was es geht. Wenn ich meine Anwendung startet es einwandfrei, aber wenn ich versuche, tests ausführen, zeigt es die erwähnten Meldung. Meine bauen.gradle ist lsited unten:

    apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
    android {
compileSdkVersion 22
buildToolsVersion "22.0.0"

defaultConfig {
    applicationId "ba.etf.pkks.eldaralmin.libraryapp"
    minSdkVersion 15
    targetSdkVersion 22
    versionCode 1
    versionName "1.0"
buildTypes {
    release {
        minifyEnabled false
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'

repositories {

maven {
    url "https://raw.github.com/embarkmobile/zxing-android-minimal/mvn-repo/maven-repository/"

dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.0.0'
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:22.0.0'
compile 'com.readystatesoftware.sqliteasset:sqliteassethelper:+'
//Supports Android 4.0.3 and later (API level 15)
compile 'com.embarkmobile:zxing-android-minimal:2.0.0@aar'

//Supports Android 2.1 and later (API level 7), but not optimal for later Android versions.
//If you only plan on supporting Android 4.0.3 and up, you don't need to include this.
compile 'com.embarkmobile:zxing-android-legacy:2.0.0@aar'

//Convenience library to launch the scanning and encoding Activities.
//It automatically picks the best scanning library from the above two, depending on the
//Android version and what is available.
compile 'com.embarkmobile:zxing-android-integration:2.0.0@aar'

//Version 3.0.x of zxing core contains some code that is not compatible on Android 2.2 and earlier.
//This mostly affects encoding, but you should test if you plan to support these versions.
//Older versions e.g. 2.2 may also work if you need support for older Android versions.
compile 'com.google.zxing:core:3.0.1'
compile 'com.nononsenseapps:filepicker:2.1'
compile 'com.astuetz:pagerslidingtabstrip:1.0.1'
compile 'com.google.code.gson:gson:1.7.2'
androidTestCompile 'com.android.support.test:runner:0.2'
androidTestCompile 'com.android.support.test:rules:0.2'
androidTestCompile 'com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core:2.1'


Meine run/debug-Konfigurationen für tests sind im Bild unten:


Kann mir jemand helfen, um herauszufinden, wo das problem ist?

InformationsquelleAutor alminh | 2015-05-31
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