Extrahieren von Bildern aus PDF

Ich bin eine kleine Anfrage bezüglich Extrahieren, speziell Bilder ( nur Bilder ) aus einem angegebenen PDF-Dokument in der iPhone-Anwendung.

Ich durchgemacht habe in der Dokumentation von apple - Aber ich bin Fehler zu finden.

Ich getan habe folgenden Bemühungen um das Bild aus dem PDF-Dokument.


    //MyGetPDFDocumentRef is custom c method 
    //& filePath is path to pdf document.
    CGPDFDocumentRef document = MyGetPDFDocumentRef ([filePath UTF8String]);

    int pgcnt = CGPDFDocumentGetNumberOfPages( document );

    for( int i1 = 0; i1 < pgcnt; ++i1 ) {
        //1. Open Document page 
        CGPDFPageRef pg = CGPDFDocumentGetPage (document, i1+1);
        if( !pg ) {
            NSLog(@"Couldn't open page.");
        //2. get page dictionary
        CGPDFDictionaryRef dict = CGPDFPageGetDictionary( pg );
        if( !dict ) {
            NSLog(@"Couldn't open page dictionary.");
        //3. get page contents stream
        CGPDFStreamRef cont;
        if( !CGPDFDictionaryGetStream( dict, "Contents", &cont ) ) {
            NSLog(@"Couldn't open page stream.");
        //4. copy page contents steam
        // CFDataRef contdata = CGPDFStreamCopyData( cont, NULL );

        //5. get the media array from stream
        CGPDFArrayRef media;
        if( !CGPDFDictionaryGetArray( dict, "MediaBox", &media ) ) {
            NSLog(@"Couldn't open page Media.");

        //6. open media & get it's size
        CGPDFInteger mediatop, medialeft;
        CGPDFReal mediaright, mediabottom;
        if( !CGPDFArrayGetInteger( media, 0, &mediatop ) || !CGPDFArrayGetInteger( media, 1, &medialeft ) || !CGPDFArrayGetNumber( media, 2, &mediaright ) || !CGPDFArrayGetNumber( media, 3, &mediabottom ) ) {
            NSLog(@"Couldn't open page Media Box.");

        //7. set media size 
        double mediawidth = mediaright - medialeft, mediaheight = mediabottom - mediatop;

        //8. get media resources
        CGPDFDictionaryRef res;
        if( !CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary( dict, "Resources", &res ) ) {
            NSLog(@"Couldn't Open Page Media Reopsources.");

        //9. get xObject from media resources  
        CGPDFDictionaryRef xobj;
        if( !CGPDFDictionaryGetDictionary( res, "XObject", &xobj ) ) {
            NSLog(@"Couldn't load page Xobjects.");

        char imagestr[16];
        sprintf( imagestr, "Im%d", i1 );

        //10. get x object stream
        CGPDFStreamRef strm;
        if( !CGPDFDictionaryGetStream( xobj, imagestr, &strm ) ) {
            NSLog(@"Couldn't load stream for xObject");

        //11. get dictionary from xObject Stream
        CGPDFDictionaryRef strmdict = CGPDFStreamGetDictionary( strm );
        if( !strmdict ) {
            NSLog(@"Failed to load dictionary for xObject");

        //12. get type of xObject
        const char * type;
        if( !CGPDFDictionaryGetName( strmdict, "Type", &type ) || strcmp(type, "XObject" ) ) {
            NSLog(@"Couldn't load xObject Type");

        //13. Check weather subtype is image or not
        const char * subtype;
        if( !CGPDFDictionaryGetName( strmdict, "Subtype", &subtype ) || strcmp( subtype, "Image" ) ) {
            NSLog(@"xObject is not image");

        //14. Bits per component
        CGPDFInteger bitsper;
        if( !CGPDFDictionaryGetInteger( strmdict, "BitsPerComponent",&bitsper ) || bitsper != 1 ) {
            NSLog(@"Bits per component not loaded");

        //15. Type of filter of image
        const char * filter;
        if( !CGPDFDictionaryGetName( strmdict, "Filter", &filter ) || strcmp( filter, "FlateDecode" ) ) {
            NSLog(@"Filter not loaded");

        //16. Image height width   
        CGPDFInteger width, height;
        if( !CGPDFDictionaryGetInteger( strmdict, "Width", &width ) || !CGPDFDictionaryGetInteger( strmdict, "Height", &height ) ) {
            NSLog(@"Image Height - width not loaded.");

        //17. Load image bytes & verify it
        CGPDFDataFormat fmt = CGPDFDataFormatRaw;
        CFDataRef data = CGPDFStreamCopyData( strm, &fmt );

        int32_t len = CFDataGetLength( data );
        const void * bytes = CFDataGetBytePtr( data );

        //now I have bytes for images in "bytes" pointer the problem is how to covert it into UIImage

        NSLog(@"Image bytes length - %i",len);  
        int32_t rowbytes = (width + 7) / 8;
        if( rowbytes * height != len ) {
            NSLog(@"Invalid Image");

        double xres = width / mediawidth * 72.0, yres = height / mediaheight * 72.0;
        xres = round( xres * 1000 ) / 1000;
        yres = round( yres * 1000 ) / 1000;

InformationsquelleAutor Sagar R. Kothari | 2010-03-19

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