Firebird: Wie, um eine Liste Aggregat?


Unten In der Abfrage möchte ich den Gegenwert für

GROUP_CONCAT(ctAncestors.ancestor ORDER BY ctAncestors.depth DESC) AS breadcrumbs_id 

in firebird.

Bisher bekam ich

LIST(ctAncestors.ancestor, ',') AS breadcrumbs_id 

aber ich kann nicht herausfinden, wie Sie eine Bestellung, indem Sie in der Liste Richtlinie.

Wie kann ich eine Bestellung, indem Sie in der Liste Aggregat ?


-- DECLARE @__in_rootnodeId AS bigint 
-- SET @__in_rootnodeId = 8 
-- SET @__in_rootnodeId = 1 

     COALESCE(ctDescendants.ancestor, 0) AS parent_id 
    ,ctAncestors.descendant AS child_id 

--,'ab' as breadcrumbs

--,LIST(ctAncestors.ancestor ORDER BY ctAncestors.depth DESC) AS breadcrumbs_id 
,LIST(ctAncestors.ancestor, ',') AS breadcrumbs_id 
    --,GROUP_CONCAT(ctAncestors.ancestor ORDER BY ctAncestors.depth DESC) AS breadcrumbs_id 
    -- ,GROUP_CONCAT(breadcrumb_data.COM_Text ORDER BY ctAncestors.depth DESC) AS breadcrumbs 
--,GROUP_CONCAT(breadcrumb_data.COM_Text ORDER BY ctAncestors.depth) AS breadcrumbs 
,LIST(breadcrumb_data.COM_Text) AS breadcrumbs 
--,GROUP_CONCAT(breadcrumb_data.COM_Text ORDER BY ctAncestors.depth DESC SEPARATOR '-') AS breadcrumbs2 

                -- breadcrumb.ancestor AS 'text()'  -- Remove substring for this 
                -- ', ' + CAST(breadcrumb.ancestor AS nvarchar(36)) AS 'text()'
                ', ' + CAST(breadcrumb_data.comment AS nvarchar(36)) AS 'text()'
            FROM T_CommentClosure AS breadcrumb 

            LEFT JOIN Comments AS breadcrumb_data
                ON breadcrumb_data.COM_Id = breadcrumb.ancestor

            WHERE (breadcrumb.descendant = ctAncestors.descendant) 

            ORDER BY breadcrumb.depth DESC
            FOR XML PATH('')
    ) AS breadcrumbs 

        SELECT COUNT(*) FROM T_CommentClosure AS tp 
        WHERE tp.ancestor = tClosureItemsTable.COM_Id AND tp.depth = 1 
    ) AS ChildCount 

FROM T_CommentClosure AS ctAncestors  

-- Must be left join, for root node
LEFT JOIN T_CommentClosure AS ctDescendants 
    ON (ctDescendants.descendant = ctAncestors.descendant) 
    AND (ctDescendants.depth = 1) 

-- INNER JOIN just in case item has been somehow deleted when FK disabled 
INNER JOIN T_Comments AS tClosureItemsTable  
    ON (ctAncestors.descendant = tClosureItemsTable.COM_Id) 

INNER JOIN T_Comments AS breadcrumb_data
    ON breadcrumb_data.COM_Id = ctAncestors.ancestor 

WHERE (1=1) 
-- AND (ctAncestors.ancestor = @__in_rootnodeId) -- ROOT node id 
    -- ( ctAncestors.ancestor = @__in_rootnodeId) -- ROOT node id 
--    (@__in_rootnodeId IS NULL) 

-- AND = 1 


ORDER BY breadcrumbs ASC  -- DESC
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