Ist das slash-Zeichen in einer Oracle-PL/SQL-Skript einen Fehler?

Ich bin der Sortierung eine Reihe von SQL-Skripten für meine Firma geschrieben in Oracle PL/SQL. Ich kam über eine wesentliche Skript mit einem seltsam platziert Schrägstrich in der Nähe der Unterseite. Es wird geprüft, in CVS diese Weise. Ist dies eine Reine syntax-Fehler oder ist es eine Funktion zu haben ich bin mir nicht bewusst. Die etwas verwirrenden Drehbuch:

set serveroutput on size 2000;
--PL/SQL block to link ISSN in serial base on a company's ISSN text file

    cursor ItemCursor is
        select issn is2 from web.obfuscated1 where issn is not null
        select eissn is2 from web.obfuscated1 where eissn is not null;

    cursor ItemCursor1(aIS varchar2) is
        select obfuscated1_uid from web.obfuscated1 where group_num is null and issn in (
            select distinct issn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS or eissn = aIS
            select distinct eissn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS or eissn = aIS
        select obfuscated1_uid from web.obfuscated1 where eissn in (
            select distinct issn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS or eissn = aIS
            select distinct eissn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS or eissn = aIS

    cursor ItemCursor2(aIS9 varchar2) is
        select obfuscated1_uid from web.obfuscated1 where issn in (
            select distinct issn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS9 or eissn = aIS9
            select distinct eissn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = aIS9 or eissn = aIS9
        ) and group_num is null;

    agroup      number(8);
    processCount    number(8);

    -- MAIN BLOCK -----------------------------------
    processCount := 0;

    agroup := null;
    for itemRec in ItemCursor loop
        agroup := null;
            select group_num into agroup from web.obfuscated1 where issn in (
                select distinct issn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = itemRec.is2 or eissn = itemRec.is2
                select distinct eissn from web.obfuscated1 where issn = itemRec.is2 or eissn = itemRec.is2
            ) and group_num is not null and issn is not null and eissn is not null and rownum <= 1;

            when no_data_found then
                agroup := null;
            when others then
                agroup := null;

        if agroup is not null then
            for itemRec2 in ItemCursor2(itemRec.is2) loop
                update web.obfuscated1 set group_num = agroup where obfuscated1_uid = itemRec2.obfuscated1_uid;
            end loop;
            processCount := processCount + 1;
            for itemRec1 in ItemCursor1(itemRec.is2) loop
                update web.obfuscated1 set group_num = processCount where obfuscated1_uid = itemRec1.obfuscated1_uid;
            end loop;
        end if;
    end loop;

    dbms_output.put_line('Total record read: ' || processCount);
    when others then
        dbms_output.put_line('ORA' || sqlcode);
        dbms_output.put_line(substr(sqlerrm, 1, 255));
        dbms_output.put_line('ORA- Error during processing ' );
InformationsquelleAutor danieltalsky | 2008-10-10
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