Konvertieren Sie mehrere .xls-Dateien zu .csv-Dateien getrennt durch Semikolons

Habe ich mehrere .xls-Dateien, die ich umwandeln wollen, um csv-Dateien und fand bereits das JavaScript:

 jPaq - A fully customizable JavaScript/JScript library

 Copyright (c) 2011 Christopher West
 Licensed under the MIT license.

 Revised: April 6, 2011
(function(){jPaq={toString:function(){return"jPaq - A fully customizable JavaScript/JScript library created by Christopher West."}};var e=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");alert=function(a,b,c,d){a==null&&(a="");if(!b)b=WScript.ScriptName;c==null&&(c=alert.OKOnly+alert.Exclamation);d==null&&(d=0);return e.Popup(a,d,b,c)};alert.OKOnly=0;alert.OKCancel=1;alert.AbortRetryIgnore=2;alert.YesNoCancel=3;alert.YesNo=4;alert.RetryCancel=5;alert.Critical=16;alert.Question=32;alert.Exclamation=48;alert.Information=
/***** END OF JPAQ *****/

try {
  //Create an instance of Excel, but don't allow the content
  //area to be repainted.
  var xlCSV = 6;
  var xlApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
  xlApp.Visible = true;
  xlApp.ScreenUpdating = false;
  xlApp.DisplayAlerts = false;

  //Initialize the counts.
  var fileCount = 0, csvCount = 0;

  //Regular expression for match Excel files to be converted.
  var re = /([^\\\/]+)\.xlsx?$/i;

  //Reference the containing folder.
  var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
  var fldr = fso.GetFolder(WScript.ScriptFullName.replace(/[\\\/][^\\\/]+$/, ""));

  //Determine whether or not linefeed characters should be removed.
  var msg = "Would you like to remove linefeed characters from all cells?";
  var title = "Remove Linefeed Characters";
  var removeLf = alert.Yes == alert(msg, title, alert.YesNo + alert.Question);

  //Loop through all of the xls and xlsx files in this folder.
  for(var e = new Enumerator(fldr.Files); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
    var aFile = e.item();
    if(re.test(aFile.Name)) {
      xlApp.StatusBar = "Processing " + aFile.Path + "...";

      //Open the workbook.
      var wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(aFile.Path);

      //Save each worksheet as a CSV file.
      for(var e2 = new Enumerator(wb.Sheets); !e2.atEnd(); e2.moveNext()) {
        var ws = e2.item();
        if(removeLf) {
          ws.UsedRange.Replace("\n", "");
        var csvPath = aFile.Path.replace(re, function($0, $1) {
          return $1 + "-" + ws.Name + ".csv";
        ws.SaveAs(csvPath, xlCSV);
        csvCount++;  //Increment the number of CSV's.

      //Close the workbook.

      //Increment the number of files.

  //Allow alerts to be displayed, and the screen to be updated again.
  xlApp.DisplayAlerts = true;
  xlApp.ScreenUpdating = true;

  //Close Excel.

  var msg = "The results are as follows:\nFiles converted:  "
    + fileCount + "\nCSV's created:  " + csvCount;
  var title = "Conversion Process Complete";
  alert(msg, title, alert.Information);
catch(e) {
  //If the Excel workbook is open, close it.
  try{ wb.Close(false); }catch(e2){}

  //If Excel is open, change the settings back to normal and close it.
    xlApp.DisplayAlerts = true;
    xlApp.ScreenUpdating = true;
  } catch(e2){}

  //Print the error message.
  var msg = "The following error caused this script to fail:\n"
    + e.message;
  var title = "Critical Error Occurred";
  alert(msg, title, alert.Critical);

Aber dieser code speichert die Dateien mit Komma-Trennung, nicht mit Semikolon.
Wie es scheint, habe ich die Dateien speichern, die mit meiner lokalen Einstellungen (speichern mit Semikolon, wenn ich speichern Sie Sie manuell über Excel) und ich habe keine Ahnung, wie...

Kennt jemand einen parameter für die

ws.SaveAs(csvPath, xlCSV);

Methode, so wird es mit meinen lokalen Einstellungen?

Wäre ich für Eure Hilfe sehr dankbar!

InformationsquelleAutor user1700788 | 2012-09-26

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