Lesen von excel-Inhalten in robot framework

Ich bin neu in robot framework und python. Ich arbeite auf web services mit Hilfe SudsLibrary. Ich möchte Daten Lesen, Inhalte aus excel-Datei. Ich habe unten geschrieben code, sondern liest es nur 1 Zeile aus Datei. Ich will es Lesen, alle Zeilen aus der Datei.


*** Settings ***
Library    DataReader.py

*** Variables ***
 ${file}   ${CURDIR}${/}Book2.xls
 ${sheet}  ABC

*** Test Cases *** 
Test data provider
[Setup]   prepare data
Create Soap Client    http://test.asmx?WSDL
${ABC}    Create Wsdl Object   ABC
:FOR  ${ABC.Col1}  ${ABC.Col2}  ${ABC.Col3}  ${ABC.Col4}  ${ABC.Col5}      ${ABC.Col6}  ${ABC.Col7}   in   @{testData}
\  ${ABC.Col1}    Set Variable    ${ABC.Col1}
\  ${ABC.Col2}   Set Variable    ${ABC.Col2}
\  ${ABC.Col3}  Set Variable    ${ABC.Col3}
\  ${ABC.Col4}  Set Variable    ${ABC.Col4}
\  ${ABC.Col4} =  convert to integer     ${ABC.Col4}
\  ${ABC.Col5}  Set Variable   ${ABC.Col5}
\  ${ABC.Col6}  Set Variable     ${ABC.Col6}
\  ${ABC.Col6}=  convert to integer     ${ABC.Col6}
\  ${ABC.Col7}   Set Variable    ${ABC.Col7}
\  ${ABC.Col7}=  convert to integer     ${ABC.Col7}
\  Set Test Variable    ${ABC}
\  Call Soap Method    ABC    ${ABC}
\  ${soap_response}    Get Last Received
\  Log    ${soap_response}
\  Element Text Should Be    ${soap_response}    2.991880011689

*** Keywords ***
prepare data
${data}=   getDataFromSpreadsheet    ${file}   ${sheet}
Set Test Variable   ${testData}     ${data}


import xlrd

def getDataFromSpreadsheet(fileName, sheetname) : 
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(fileName)
worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheetname)
print worksheet
rowEndIndex = worksheet.nrows - 1
colEndIndex = worksheet.ncols - 1 
rowStartIndex = 1
colStartIndex = 0
testData = []
dataRow = []

curr_row = rowStartIndex
while curr_row <= rowEndIndex:
     cur_col = colStartIndex
     while cur_col <= colEndIndex:
         cell_type = worksheet.cell_type(curr_row, cur_col)

         value = worksheet.cell_value(curr_row, cur_col)
     curr_row += 1
     # testData.append(dataRow)
# return testData  
return dataRow


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InformationsquelleAutor P S | 2017-06-20
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