Load-Funktionen, die mit einer case-Anweisung switch

Ich Schreibe ein Programm in C++ und ich habe in der Lage gewesen, um es zu kompilieren und zu laufen beginnen, wie immer, wenn ich wählen Sie eine option in der jeweiligen Funktion soll aufgerufen werden durch eine switch-case-Anweisung nicht aufgerufen wird. Bin ich etwas fehlt in meinem code?

//The following program framework is given.
//Add the programming logic to complete the assignment.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
//function prototypes should be placed here
//Main must be the first function in the program. Write other functions after it.
int main()
char cInput;
string strFileName;
vector<string> vecStudent;
cout<<"Please enter the data file name (with location): ";
cin >> strFileName;
//call a function to read the content of the input file into
//the vector vecStudent
while (true)
cout<<" Student Record - Main Menu "<<endl;
cout<<" Enter 1 to display ALL students"<<endl;
cout<<" Enter 2 to add a student name"<<endl;
cout<<" Enter 3 to delete a student name"<<endl;
cout<<" Enter 4 to SAVE and quit the program"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter menu option: ";
switch (cInput)
case '1':
//call function display names
   void displaynames();
case '2':
   void addname();
//call a function add name
case '3':
    void deletename();
//call function delete names
case '4':
   void  saveandquit();
//call function save and quit
return 0;

if( cInput != 1,2,3,4)
cout<<"invalid input"<<endl;
return 0;

int displaynames()
    ifstream inFile;
    ofstream outFile;
    string strFileName;
    string strFName,strLName;
    vector<string> vecStudent;
    char line[80];

    //open input file
    if (inFile.fail())
        cout << " Input file error!" << endl;
            return -1;
    while (inFile>>strFName>>strLName)
        vecStudent.push_back(strFName+ " "+strLName);

    //display the content of the vector
    for(int i =0; i< vecStudent.size();i++)
return 0;

int addname()
    ifstream inFile;
    ofstream outFile;
    string strFileName;
    string strFName,strLName;
    vector<string> vecStudent;
    char line[80];
    //add a new name
    cout << endl<< " Enter a new name( First and Last Name):";
    vecStudent.push_back(strFName+ " "+strLName);

    //open output file for writing
    if ( outFile.fail())
        cout<<" Output file error! Student was not added"<<endl;
        return -1;

    //display the content of the vector
    for(int i=0; i<vecStudent.size(); i++)
        cout<< vecStudent[i]<<endl;

    for(int i=0; i<vecStudent.size();i++)
return 0;

int saveandquit()
    ifstream inFile;
    ofstream outFile;
    string strFileName;
    string strFName,strLName;
    vector<string> vecStudent;
    int i=0;
    char line[80];
    //    open output file for writing
    if ( outFile.fail())
        cout<<" Output file error!"<<endl;
        return -1;

    //display the content of the vector
    for(int i=0; i<vecStudent.size(); i++)
        cout<< vecStudent[i]<<endl;

    for(int i=0; i<vecStudent.size();i++)
    cout << " file saved. enter -1 to quit";
    cin>> i;
    if( i=-1)

    return 0;

 int deletename()
    ifstream inFile;
    ofstream outFile;
    string strFileName;
    string strFName,strLName;
    vector<string> vecStudent;
    int namepos = 0;
    char line[80];

    if (inFile.fail())
        cout <<"Input file error!"<<endl;

    //read the names from the file into the vector
    while (inFile >> strFName >> strLName)
        vecStudent.push_back(strFName+" "+strLName);

    cout <<"\nEnter the name to be deleted (First name and Last name): ";
    cin >>strFName >>strLName;

    int i=0, pos=-1;
    int size = vecStudent.size();
    bool found=false;
    //use a linear search to find the name in the vecotor of names

    while (i < size && !found)
        if (vecStudent [i] == strFName+" "+strLName)
            found = true;

    cout <<"\nthat name is in the "<<(pos + 1) <<" position in the list\n";
    cout <<"Please enter the position in list\n";
    cin>> pos;
    //use an iterator to delete name from vecStudent. vector.erase requires an iterator. used a while loop to find the name and make sure it was in the
    //vector of strings. then the loop displays the position in the vector that the string is. the program asks the user to enter the number position of the name
    //from there the user enters the name and the program uses a for loop to find the position and the built in vector.erase to remove the name from the list.
    for(int i=0; i ==pos; i++)
        if(i == pos)
            vecStudent.erase (vecStudent.begin());

    return 0;

InformationsquelleAutor user1319815 | 2012-04-09

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