Mithilfe von VBscript auf access alle Werte im JSON-Daten

Habe ich zu tun, einige vbscript, dass die Griffe eine json formatierte Ausgabe auf einem webserver. Ich bin mit einem alten vbscript-code-snippet habe ich gefunden namens "aspJSON" - ich denke, es ist aus aber die site ist nicht mehr verfügbar.

Habe ich diese JSON-Datei:


Mit der aspJSON code, den ich bekommen kann, einige der Werte aus den Daten. Diese zwei funktionieren:



Aber ich kann nicht scheinen, um Zugang die Werte von prices:


sowie period:


Wie kann ich auf diese Werte?

Dies ist die aspJSON code:

'Februari 2014 - Version 1.17 by Gerrit van Kuipers
Class aspJSON
Public data
Private p_JSONstring
private aj_in_string, aj_in_escape, aj_i_tmp, aj_char_tmp, aj_s_tmp, aj_line_tmp, aj_line, aj_lines, aj_currentlevel, aj_currentkey, aj_currentvalue, aj_newlabel, aj_XmlHttp, aj_RegExp, aj_colonfound

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set data = Collection()

    Set aj_RegExp = new regexp
    aj_RegExp.Pattern = "\s{0,}(\S{1}[\s,\S]*\S{1})\s{0,}"
    aj_RegExp.Global = False
    aj_RegExp.IgnoreCase = True
    aj_RegExp.Multiline = True
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set data = Nothing
    Set aj_RegExp = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub loadJSON(inputsource)
    inputsource = aj_MultilineTrim(inputsource)
    If Len(inputsource) = 0 Then Err.Raise 1, "loadJSON Error", "No data to load."

    select case Left(inputsource, 1)
        case "{", "["
        case else
            Set aj_XmlHttp = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
   "GET", inputsource, False
            aj_XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/json"
            aj_XmlHttp.setRequestHeader "CharSet", "UTF-8"
            inputsource = aj_XmlHttp.responseText
            set aj_XmlHttp = Nothing
    end select

    p_JSONstring = CleanUpJSONstring(inputsource)
    aj_lines = Split(p_JSONstring, Chr(13) & Chr(10))

    Dim level(99)
    aj_currentlevel = 1
    Set level(aj_currentlevel) = data
    For Each aj_line In aj_lines
        aj_currentkey = ""
        aj_currentvalue = ""
        If Instr(aj_line, ":") > 0 Then
            aj_in_string = False
            aj_in_escape = False
            aj_colonfound = False
            For aj_i_tmp = 1 To Len(aj_line)
                If aj_in_escape Then
                    aj_in_escape = False
                    Select Case Mid(aj_line, aj_i_tmp, 1)
                        Case """"
                            aj_in_string = Not aj_in_string
                        Case ":"
                            If Not aj_in_escape And Not aj_in_string Then
                                aj_currentkey = Left(aj_line, aj_i_tmp - 1)
                                aj_currentvalue = Mid(aj_line, aj_i_tmp + 1)
                                aj_colonfound = True
                                Exit For
                            End If
                        Case "\"
                            aj_in_escape = True
                    End Select
                End If
            if aj_colonfound then
                aj_currentkey = aj_Strip(aj_JSONDecode(aj_currentkey), """")
                If Not level(aj_currentlevel).exists(aj_currentkey) Then level(aj_currentlevel).Add aj_currentkey, ""
            end if
        End If
        If right(aj_line,1) = "{" Or right(aj_line,1) = "[" Then
            If Len(aj_currentkey) = 0 Then aj_currentkey = level(aj_currentlevel).Count
            Set level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey) = Collection()
            Set level(aj_currentlevel + 1) = level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey)
            aj_currentlevel = aj_currentlevel + 1
            aj_currentkey = ""
        ElseIf right(aj_line,1) = "}" Or right(aj_line,1) = "]" or right(aj_line,2) = "}," Or right(aj_line,2) = "]," Then
            aj_currentlevel = aj_currentlevel - 1
        ElseIf Len(Trim(aj_line)) > 0 Then
            if Len(aj_currentvalue) = 0 Then aj_currentvalue = aj_line
            aj_currentvalue = getJSONValue(aj_currentvalue)

            If Len(aj_currentkey) = 0 Then aj_currentkey = level(aj_currentlevel).Count
            level(aj_currentlevel).Item(aj_currentkey) = aj_currentvalue
        End If
End Sub

Public Function Collection()
    set Collection = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Function

Public Function AddToCollection(dictobj)
    if TypeName(dictobj) <> "Dictionary" then Err.Raise 1, "AddToCollection Error", "Not a collection."
    aj_newlabel = dictobj.Count
    dictobj.Add aj_newlabel, Collection()
    set AddToCollection = dictobj.item(aj_newlabel)
end function

Private Function CleanUpJSONstring(aj_originalstring)
    aj_originalstring = Replace(aj_originalstring, Chr(13) & Chr(10), "")
    aj_originalstring = Mid(aj_originalstring, 2, Len(aj_originalstring) - 2)
    aj_in_string = False : aj_in_escape = False : aj_s_tmp = ""
    For aj_i_tmp = 1 To Len(aj_originalstring)
        aj_char_tmp = Mid(aj_originalstring, aj_i_tmp, 1)
        If aj_in_escape Then
            aj_in_escape = False
            aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp
            Select Case aj_char_tmp
                Case "\" : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp : aj_in_escape = True
                Case """" : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp : aj_in_string = Not aj_in_string
                Case "{", "["
                    aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10))
                Case "}", "]"
                    aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & aj_char_tmp
                Case "," : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp & aj_InlineIf(aj_in_string, "", Chr(13) & Chr(10))
                Case Else : aj_s_tmp = aj_s_tmp & aj_char_tmp
            End Select
        End If

    CleanUpJSONstring = ""
    aj_s_tmp = split(aj_s_tmp, Chr(13) & Chr(10))
    For Each aj_line_tmp In aj_s_tmp
        aj_line_tmp = replace(replace(aj_line_tmp, chr(10), ""), chr(13), "")
        CleanUpJSONstring = CleanUpJSONstring & aj_Trim(aj_line_tmp) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)


    End Function

Private Function getJSONValue(ByVal val)
    val = Trim(val)
    If Left(val,1) = ":"  Then val = Mid(val, 2)
    If Right(val,1) = "," Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1)
    val = Trim(val)

    Select Case val
        Case "true"  : getJSONValue = True
        Case "false" : getJSONValue = False
        Case "null" : getJSONValue = Null
        Case Else
            If (Instr(val, """") = 0) Then
                If IsNumeric(val) Then
                    getJSONValue = CDbl(val)
                    getJSONValue = val
                End If
                If Left(val,1) = """" Then val = Mid(val, 2)
                If Right(val,1) = """" Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1)
                getJSONValue = aj_JSONDecode(Trim(val))
            End If
    End Select
End Function

Private JSONoutput_level
Public Function JSONoutput()
    dim wrap_dicttype, aj_label
    JSONoutput_level = 1
    wrap_dicttype = "[]"
    For Each aj_label In data
         If Not aj_IsInt(aj_label) Then wrap_dicttype = "{}"
    JSONoutput = Left(wrap_dicttype, 1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & GetDict(data) & Right(wrap_dicttype, 1)
End Function

Private Function GetDict(objDict)
    dim aj_item, aj_keyvals, aj_label, aj_dicttype
    For Each aj_item In objDict
        Select Case TypeName(objDict.Item(aj_item))
            Case "Dictionary"
                GetDict = GetDict & Space(JSONoutput_level * 4)

                aj_dicttype = "[]"
                For Each aj_label In objDict.Item(aj_item).Keys
                     If Not aj_IsInt(aj_label) Then aj_dicttype = "{}"
                If aj_IsInt(aj_item) Then
                    GetDict = GetDict & (Left(aj_dicttype,1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
                    GetDict = GetDict & ("""" & aj_JSONEncode(aj_item) & """" & ": " & Left(aj_dicttype,1) & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
                End If
                JSONoutput_level = JSONoutput_level + 1

                aj_keyvals = objDict.Keys
                GetDict = GetDict & (GetSubDict(objDict.Item(aj_item)) & Space(JSONoutput_level * 4) & Right(aj_dicttype,1) & aj_InlineIf(aj_item = aj_keyvals(objDict.Count - 1),"" , ",") & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
            Case Else
                aj_keyvals =  objDict.Keys
                GetDict = GetDict & (Space(JSONoutput_level * 4) & aj_InlineIf(aj_IsInt(aj_item), "", """" & aj_JSONEncode(aj_item) & """: ") & WriteValue(objDict.Item(aj_item)) & aj_InlineIf(aj_item = aj_keyvals(objDict.Count - 1),"" , ",") & Chr(13) & Chr(10))
        End Select
End Function

Private Function aj_IsInt(val)
    aj_IsInt = (TypeName(val) = "Integer" Or TypeName(val) = "Long")
End Function

Private Function GetSubDict(objSubDict)
    GetSubDict = GetDict(objSubDict)
    JSONoutput_level= JSONoutput_level -1
End Function

Private Function WriteValue(ByVal val)
    Select Case TypeName(val)
        Case "Double", "Integer", "Long": WriteValue = val
        Case "Null"                     : WriteValue = "null"
        Case "Boolean"                  : WriteValue = aj_InlineIf(val, "true", "false")
        Case Else                       : WriteValue = """" & aj_JSONEncode(val) & """"
    End Select
End Function

Private Function aj_JSONEncode(ByVal val)
    val = Replace(val, "\", "\\")
    val = Replace(val, """", "\""")
    'val = Replace(val, "/", "\/")
    val = Replace(val, Chr(8), "\b")
    val = Replace(val, Chr(12), "\f")
    val = Replace(val, Chr(10), "\n")
    val = Replace(val, Chr(13), "\r")
    val = Replace(val, Chr(9), "\t")
    aj_JSONEncode = Trim(val)
End Function

Private Function aj_JSONDecode(ByVal val)
    val = Replace(val, "\""", """")
    val = Replace(val, "\\", "\")
    val = Replace(val, "\/", "/")
    val = Replace(val, "\b", Chr(8))
    val = Replace(val, "\f", Chr(12))
    val = Replace(val, "\n", Chr(10))
    val = Replace(val, "\r", Chr(13))
    val = Replace(val, "\t", Chr(9))
    aj_JSONDecode = Trim(val)
End Function

Private Function aj_InlineIf(condition, returntrue, returnfalse)
    If condition Then aj_InlineIf = returntrue Else aj_InlineIf = returnfalse
End Function

Private Function aj_Strip(ByVal val, stripper)
    If Left(val, 1) = stripper Then val = Mid(val, 2)
    If Right(val, 1) = stripper Then val = Left(val, Len(val) - 1)
    aj_Strip = val
End Function

Private Function aj_MultilineTrim(TextData)
    aj_MultilineTrim = aj_RegExp.Replace(TextData, "$1")
End Function

private function aj_Trim(val)
    aj_Trim = Trim(val)
    Do While Left(aj_Trim, 1) = Chr(9) : aj_Trim = Mid(aj_Trim, 2) : Loop
    Do While Right(aj_Trim, 1) = Chr(9) : aj_Trim = Left(aj_Trim, Len(aj_Trim) - 1) : Loop
    aj_Trim = Trim(aj_Trim)
end function
End Class
Der Unterschied ist prices ist eine Sammlung so müssen Sie eine Schleife durch die Instanzen bevor Sie den Zugriff auf die einzelnen Instanzen zugrunde liegenden Eigenschaften. So etwas wie ein For Each Schleife sollte den trick tun.
Versuchen Msgbox TypeName("prices")) und Msgbox Join("prices").Keys(), ", ")
wenn prices enthält eine Scripting.Dictionary was bedeutet das ziehen der .Keys() tun? Sie wird immer noch fehlen die Werte. Könnte helfen, beim Debuggen den Inhalt des Wörterbuchs, aber auch nicht mehr.
Wir können die Werte mit den Tasten, also was wir müssen, ist ziehen Sie die Tasten.
ja, aber eine durch Trennzeichen getrennte Liste von Schlüssel bedeutet nicht, erhalten Sie näher, außerdem haben wir schon wissen, der Schlüssel einfach durch einen Blick auf das JSON-Format.

InformationsquelleAutor svlarsen | 2017-01-12

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