Nicht neu starten Lack über "service varnish restart"

Ich änderungen in "/etc/default/varnish" sowie der vcl-Datei "/etc/varnish/default.vcl" und deshalb wollen neu starten, Lack.

Aber ich bin nicht in der Lage, um herauszufinden, was falsch ist. Bereits verbrachte mehr als eine Stunde lookijng in es, aber kein Glück. Im folgenden sind die details:

nish@styx:~$ sudo service varnish restart
[sudo] password for nish: 
 * Stopping HTTP accelerator varnishd                                    [fail] 
 * Starting HTTP accelerator varnishd                                    [fail] 
Too many arguments (\...)
usage: varnishd [options]
-a address:port              # HTTP listen address and port
-b address:port              # backend address and port
                             #    -b <hostname_or_IP>
                             #    -b '<hostname_or_IP>:<port_or_service>'
-C                           # print VCL code compiled to C language
-d                           # debug
-f file                      # VCL script
-F                           # Run in foreground
-h kind[,hashoptions]        # Hash specification
                             #   -h critbit [default]
                             #   -h simple_list
                             #   -h classic
                             #   -h classic,<buckets>
-i identity                  # Identity of varnish instance
-l shl,free,fill             # Size of shared memory file
                             #   shl: space for SHL records [80m]
                             #   free: space for other allocations [1m]
                             #   fill: prefill new file [+]
-M address:port              # Reverse CLI destination.
-n dir                       # varnishd working directory
-P file                      # PID file
-p param=value               # set parameter
-s kind[,storageoptions]     # Backend storage specification
                             #   -s malloc
                             #   -s file  [default: use /tmp]
                             #   -s file,<dir_or_file>
                             #   -s file,<dir_or_file>,<size>
                             #   -s persist{experimenta}
                             #   -s file,<dir_or_file>,<size>,<granularity>
-t                           # Default TTL
-S secret-file               # Secret file for CLI authentication
-T address:port              # Telnet listen address and port
-V                           # version
-w int[,int[,int]]           # Number of worker threads
                             #   -w <fixed_count>
                             #   -w min,max
                             #   -w min,max,timeout [default: -w2,500,300]
-u user                      # Priviledge separation user id
Wo kommt der Lack melden Sie diese Art der Sache?

InformationsquelleAutor nish | 2013-09-04

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