Outlook VBA für das senden von E-Mails mit attachment

Muss ich senden fast 100 E-Mails an einem Tag zu unterschiedlichen Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Dateinamen. Der code unten funktioniert völlig in Ordnung, aber das problem ist, dass die Dateien, die ich beifügen sollte datiert werden eines Tages Vorherige. Zum Beispiel das Datum von heute ist der 7. März 2013 (7-03-13). Ich bekomme die Dateien RN2425 06-03-13.xls und diese ändern sich jeden Tag. Ich möchte die lookup-der einen Tag früheren Dateien in bestimmten Verzeichnis D:\Reporting\Daily\RN2425\RN2425 (ein Tag früheren Zeitstempel).xls

Bitte helfen Sie mir mit diesem code die ich brauche, um das Datum in den Dateinamen. Ich will, dass das automatisch gemacht werden.

Sub CreateEmail(Subject As String, Body As String, ToSend As String, CCs As String, FilePathtoAdd As String)

 'write the default Outlook contact name list to the active worksheet

 Dim OlApp As Object
 Dim OlMail As MailItem
 Dim ToRecipient As Variant
 Dim CcRecipient As Variant

 'Set OlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
 'Set OlMail = OlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

 Set OlApp = Application
 Set OlMail = OlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

 'For Each ToRecipient In Array("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]")
 'OlMail.Recipients.Add ToRecipient
 OlMail.Recipients.Add ToSend
 'Next ToRecipient

 'For Each CcRecipient In Array("[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]")
 'With OlMail.Recipients.Add(CcRecipient)
 '.Type = 2
 'End With
 'Next CcRecipient
 Dim Temp As Recipient
 Set Temp = OlMail.Recipients.Add(CCs)
 Temp.Type = olCC

 'fill in Subject field
 OlMail.Subject = Subject
 OlMail.Body = Body

 'Add the active workbook as an attachment
' OlMail.Attachments.Add "C:\Users\Ali\Desktop\Sentence Correction\Comparisons.pdf"
 If FilePathtoAdd <> "" Then
    OlMail.Attachments.Add FilePathtoAdd
 End If
 'Display the message
 OlMail.Display 'change this to OlMail.Send if you just want to send it without previewing it

 End Sub
Sub EmailIt()
CreateEmail "This is Subject", "Body", "[email protected], [email protected]", "[email protected], [email protected]", "E:\Ali's Documents\RN2425 06-03-13.xls"
CreateEmail "This is Subject", "Body", "[email protected], [email protected]", "[email protected], [email protected]", "E:\Ali's Documents\RN2425 06-03-13.xls"
CreateEmail "This is Subject", "Body", "[email protected], [email protected]", "[email protected], [email protected]", "E:\Ali's Documents\RN2425 06-03-13.xls"
CreateEmail "This is Subject", "Body", "[email protected], [email protected]", "[email protected], [email protected]", "E:\Ali's Documents\RN2425 06-03-13.xls"
CreateEmail "This is Subject", "Body", "[email protected], [email protected]", "[email protected], [email protected]", "E:\Ali's Documents\RN2425 06-03-13.xls"
CreateEmail "This is Subject", "Body", "[email protected], [email protected]", "[email protected], [email protected]", "E:\Ali's Documents\AVSEQ03 Comp 1.avi"

End Sub

InformationsquelleAutor user2145517 | 2013-03-07

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