Performance-Testing-tools für native mobile Applikationen im iOS und Android

Habe ich zu tun, performance-Test von nativen Applikationen auf den Plattformen iOS und Android. Die aktuellen Anforderungen aus dem tool sind:

- The tool needs to check for the native applications CPU and memory usage.
- If possible, we need to provide if there are any memory leaks also involved with the native application.
- Check for network performance over the various networks - EDGE, 2G, 3G, 4G and wireless connections (various speeds).
- If we can do Functional testing with the same application, it would be a great addition.

Was ich in der Lage gewesen, um herauszufinden, ist folgende:

1.  UI Response Time
   Download times for intermediate action requests (patch or network downloads), to be reduced with better compression techniques
   User action and response rates of the application, need to be smoothened by employing better software rendering and faster animations
   Provide a progress indicator to the user, along with completion notification
2.  Battery Life
   Battery drain is non-linear, so minimize radio wake-up calls and
   Use system events, instead of polling
3.  Network Bandwidth
   Basically depends on - signal strength, carrier networks and network type (performance can be considered for slower networks, but no guarantee on the faster 2G & above).
   Faster networks need to be checked basically for the functionality
4.  Memory and CPU
   Overall device sluggishness needs to be monitored with respect to the response of the various actions. This can only be monitored by running the functional tests, and checking the actual RAM and CPU counters using a recording tool.
   No application crashes should be seen, even after keeping the application open for a few days.
5.  Binary Size
   Effects application load time
   Effects load RAM size
   Download & install times
6.  Tools


Meine Frage ist, sind es andere Parameter, die wir hinzufügen können, um die oben genannten zum testen der Performance einer nativen Anwendung?

Auch, die andere Open Source-und Kommerziellen tools würdest du empfehlen, die erfüllt alle oben genannten Kriterien für den performance-Tests von einer nativen mobilen Anwendung auf dem iOS -, Android-und WindowsOS-Plattformen?

InformationsquelleAutor gagneet | 2013-01-16
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