Python-print aus float oder integer

Wie kann ich drucken Sie schwimmt, wenn das Ergebnis dezimal-oder print-out-integer, wenn das Ergebnis keine Dezimalzahl?

c = input("Enter the total cost of purchase: ")
bank = raw_input("Enter the bank of your credit card (DBS, OCBC, etc.): ")
dbs1 = ((c/float(100))*10)
dbs2 = c-dbs1
ocbc1 = ((c/float(100))*15)
ocbc2 = c-ocbc1

if (c > 200):
    if (bank == 'DBS'):
        print('Please pay $'+str(dbs2))
    elif (bank == 'OCBC'):
        print('Please pay $'+str(ocbc2))
        print('Please pay $'+str(c))
    print('Please pay $'+str(c))

exit = raw_input("Enter to exit")


Enter the total cost of purchase: 250
Enter the bank of your credit card (DBS, OCBC, etc.): OCBC
Please pay $212.5

Enter the total cost of purchase: 250
Enter the bank of your credit card (DBS, OCBC, etc.): DBS
Please pay $225.0
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InformationsquelleAutor Kirin Sim | 2013-05-16
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