Unsupported operand type?

Ich habe zu sagen, ich bin völlig ahnungslos in Sachen PHP, ich weiß genug, um moderate, meine Seiten zu einem akzeptablen Umfang. Ich habe ein bisschen Mühe mit phpauction GPL, immer, wenn ich Sie auf eine meiner Kategorien, bekomme ich diese:

Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /home/retrorea/public_html/tradepost/browse.php on line 175

Dies ist, was der Linie 175 liest...

$left_limit = ($page-1)*$lines;

Hier ist der rest von dem code.

#//COPYRIGHT 2007 Phpauction.net ALL RIGHTS RESERVED //

include $include_path."auctionstoshow.inc.php";
#//Get parameters from the URL
$params = getUrlParams("=");
    $_GET['id'] = $params['id'];
    $params['id'] = $_GET['id'];
$id = intval($params['id']);

function getsubtree($catsubtree,$i) {
    global $catlist;
    $res=mysql_query("SELECT cat_id FROM PHPAUCTIONXL_categories WHERE parent_id=".intval($catsubtree[$i]));
    while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {

$NOW = date("YmdHis",mktime(date("H")+$SETTINGS['timecorrection'],date("i"),date("s"),date("m"), date("d"),date("Y")));
if ($id==0) {
    display full list of categories of level 0
    $result = mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM PHPAUCTIONXL_categories WHERE parent_id='0' ORDER BY cat_name" );
    if (!$result) {
        /* output error message and exit */
        print "database error";
    } else {
        /* query succeeded - display list of categories */
        $need_to_continue = 1;
        $cycle = 1;

        $TPL_main_value = "";
        $TPL_categories_string = $MGS_2__0027;
        while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            if ($cycle==1 ) {
                $TPL_main_value.="<tr WIDTH=100% ALIGN=LEFT>\n";
            $sub_counter = (int)$row['sub_counter'];
            $cat_counter = (int)$row['counter'];
            if ($sub_counter!=0) $count_string = "(".$sub_counter.")";
            else {
                $count_string = "";
            #//Retrieve the translated category name
            $row['cat_name'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT cat_name FROM PHPAUCTIONXL_cats_translated WHERE cat_id=".$row['cat_id']." AND lang='".$language."'"),0,"cat_name");
            $TPL_main_value .=!empty($row['cat_colour']) ? "    <td BGCOLOR=\"".$row['cat_colour']."\" WIDTH=\"33%\"><a href=\"".$SETTINGS['siteurl']."browse.php?id=".$row['cat_id']."\">".$row['cat_name'].$count_string."</a></td>\n" : "    <td WIDTH=\"33%\"><a href=\"".$SETTINGS['siteurl']."browse.php?id=".$row['cat_id']."\">".$row['cat_name'].$count_string."</a></td>\n";

            if ($cycle==4) { $cycle=1; $TPL_main_value.="</tr>\n"; }

        if ( $cycle>=2 && $cycle<=3 ) {
            while ( $cycle<4 ) {
                $TPL_main_value .= "    <td WIDTH=\"33%\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
            $TPL_main_value .= "</tr>\n";
        $TPL_auctions_list_value = array();

    $PAGE = 1;
    $PAGES = 1;

        include "header.php";
        include phpa_include("template_browse_header_php.html");
        include phpa_include("template_browse_php.html");
        include "footer.php";
} else {
    specified category number

    look into table - and if we don't have such category - redirect to full list
    $result = mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM PHPAUCTIONXL_categories WHERE cat_id=".intval($id) );
    if ($result)
    $category = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    $category = false;
    #//Retrieve the translated category name
    $category['cat_name'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT cat_name FROM PHPAUCTIONXL_cats_translated WHERE cat_id=".$category['cat_id']." AND lang='".$language."'"),0,"cat_name");
    if (!$category) {
        /* redirect to global categories list */
        header ( "Location: browse.php?id=0" );
    } else {
        such category exists
        retrieve it's subcategories and its auctions
        /* recursively get "path" to this category */

        $TPL_categories_string = "".$category["cat_name"];
        $par_id = (int)$category['parent_id'];

        while ( $par_id!=0 ) {
            //get next parent
            $res = mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM PHPAUCTIONXL_categories WHERE cat_id=".intval($par_id));
            if ($res) {
                $rw = mysql_fetch_array($res);
                if ($rw) $par_id = (int)$rw['parent_id'];
                else $par_id = 0;
            } else $par_id = 0;
            #//Retrieve the translated category name
            $rw['cat_name'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT cat_name FROM PHPAUCTIONXL_cats_translated WHERE cat_id=".$rw['cat_id']." AND lang='".$language."'"),0,"cat_name");
            $TPL_categories_string = "<a href=\"".$SETTINGS['siteurl']."browse.php?id=".$rw["cat_id"]."\">".$rw["cat_name"]."</a> &gt; ".$TPL_categories_string;

        /* get list of subcategories of this category */
        $subcat_count = 0;
        $result = mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM PHPAUCTIONXL_categories WHERE parent_id=".intval($id)." ORDER BY cat_name" );
        if (!$result) {
            /* output error message and exit */
        } else {
            /* query succeeded - display list of categories */
            $need_to_continue = 1;
            $cycle = 1;

            $TPL_main_value = "";
            while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                if ($cycle==1 ) {
                    $TPL_main_value.="<tr ALIGN=LEFT>\n";
                $sub_counter = (int)$row['sub_counter'];
                $cat_counter = (int)$row['counter'];
                if ($sub_counter!=0) $count_string = "(".$sub_counter.")";
                else {
                    if ($cat_counter!=0) {
                        $count_string = "(".$cat_counter.")";
                    } else $count_string = "";
                if($row['cat_colour'] != "") {
                    $BG ="BGCOLOR=".$row['cat_colour'];
                } else {
                    $BG = "";
                #//Retrieve the translated category name
                $row['cat_name'] = @mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT cat_name FROM PHPAUCTIONXL_cats_translated WHERE cat_id=".$row['cat_id']." AND lang='".$language."'"),0,"cat_name");
                $TPL_main_value .= "    <td $BG WIDTH=\"33%\"><a href=\"".$SETTINGS['siteurl']."browse.php?id=".$row['cat_id']."\">".$row['cat_name'].$count_string."</a></td>\n";

                if ($cycle==4) {

            if ( $cycle>=2 && $cycle<=3 ) {
                while ( $cycle<4 ) {
                    $TPL_main_value .= "    <td WIDTH=\"33%\">&nbsp;</td>\n";
                $TPL_main_value .= "</tr>\n";
        /* determine limits for SQL query */
        $left_limit = ($page-1)*$lines;

        /* retrieve records corresponding to passed page number */
        $page = (int)$page;
        if ($page==0)   $page = 1;
        $lines = (int)$lines;
        if ($lines==0)  $lines = 50;

        /* get total number of records */
        $qs = "SELECT count(*) FROM PHPAUCTIONXL_auctions 
                        WHERE category IN $catalist 
                        AND starts<=".$NOW." 
                        AND closed='0' 
                        AND private='n' 
                        AND suspended ='0'";
         if($SETTINGS['adultonly']=='y' && !isset($_SESSION["PHPAUCTION_LOGGED_IN"])){
             $qs .= "AND adultonly='n'";

            $qs .= " AND title like '%".addslashes($_POST['catkeyword'])."'%";
        $rsl = mysql_query ($qs);
        if ($rsl) {
            $hash = mysql_fetch_array($rsl);
            $total = !$hash[0] ? 1 : (int)$hash[0];
        } else $total = 1;
        #//Handle pagination
        $TOTALAUCTIONS = $total;

        if(!isset($_GET["PAGE"]) || $_GET["PAGE"] == 1) {
            $OFFSET = 0;
            $PAGE = 1;
        } else {
      $PAGE = $_REQUEST["PAGE"];
            $OFFSET = ($PAGE - 1) * $LIMIT;
        $PAGES = ceil($TOTALAUCTIONS / $LIMIT); 

        $qs = "SELECT * FROM PHPAUCTIONXL_auctions 
                                    WHERE category IN $catalist 
                                    AND starts<=".$NOW."    
                                    AND closed='0' 
                                    AND private='n' 
                                    AND suspended ='0' ";
         if($SETTINGS['adultonly']=='y' && !isset($_SESSION["PHPAUCTION_LOGGED_IN"])){
             $qs .= " AND adultonly='n'";
            $qs .= " AND title like '%".addslashes($_POST['catkeyword'])."%' ";
        $qs .= "ORDER BY ends ASC LIMIT ".intval($OFFSET).",".intval($LIMIT);
        $result = mysql_query ($qs);
        /* get list of auctions of this category */
        $auctions_count = 0;
        /* selectd items formatter */
        include $include_path."browseitems.inc.php";


        /*$TPL_auctions_total_value .= "<br />".
        "$MSG_290 $total<br />".
        "$MSG_289 $pages ($lines $MSG_291)<br />".

        for ($i=1; $i<=$pages; ++$i) {
            $TPL_auctions_total_value .=
            ($page==$i) ?
            " $i "  :
            " <a href=\"".$SETTINGS['siteurl']."browse.php?id=".$id."&page=$i\">$i</a> ";
        $TPL_auctions_total_value .="";
        if ($auctions_count==0) {
            $TPL_auctions_total_value = $ERR_114;

    include "header.php";
    include phpa_include("template_browse_header_php.html");
    if ( $subcat_count>0 ) {
        include phpa_include("template_browse_php.html");
    if ($subcat_count==0) {
        include phpa_include("template_auctions_no_cat.html");
    include "footer.php";

Jegliche Hilfe würde sehr geschätzt werden. Danke!

  • vielleicht sollten Sie sich bewegen $lines = (int)$lines; obige Zeile 175? In dem code, den Sie zur Verfügung gestellt, es scheint, dass $lines ist nicht einmal definiert, noch.
  • Dein code ist inkonsistent, Variablen sollten im gleichen register geführt wird, in Ihrem Fall haben Sie variable $PAGE und $page es ist nicht das gleiche.
  • Nur tun var_dump auf die Variablen $page und $Zeilen und sehen, welche Arten Sie sind.
  • Wo sind $page & $lines definiert?
InformationsquelleAutor Dan Bell | 2012-03-23
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