Wie öffnen Sie ein windows explorer, um eine Datei auszuwählen, ohne hart zu Kodieren die volle Speicherort der Datei, nur den Ordner mit vbs?

Ich versuche einen Weg zu finden, öffnen Sie ein windows explorer-Fenster, um eine Datei auszuwählen. Ich will den Ordner öffnen, der die Datei und wählen Sie dann die Datei manuell. Es wird eine andere Datei jeden Tag so, ich will nicht zu hart code den Namen der Datei nur die Position. Ich habe eine Menge von Beispielen, wie die Datei zu öffnen, aber keine, die mir erlauben würde, öffnen Sie den Ordner, und wählen Sie dann die Datei, die ich öffnen möchten. Ich Tue dies in VBS.

EDIT: Hier ist der code, an dem ich arbeite

Option Explicit
dim filename
filename = ChooseFile()
msgBox("File Name is: " & filename)

Function ChooseFile()
Dim ListCameras(20)
Dim objExcel
Dim excelPath
Dim worksheetCount
Dim counter
Dim currentWorkSheet
Dim usedColumnsCount
Dim usedRowsCount
Dim row
Dim column
Dim top
Dim left
Dim Cells
Dim curCol
Dim curRow
Dim word
dim Result
dim x
dim CellValue
REM where is the Excel file located?
dim objFS : set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
dim objShell : set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
dim strPath : strPath = "I:\DVR\Reports\2014\"
if 1 = Wscript.Arguments.Count then
strPath = Wscript.Arguments(0)
if objFS.FileExists(strPath) then
    strPath = objFS.GetParentFolderName(strPath)
    if objFS.FolderExists(strPath) then
        dim strCmd : strCmd = explorer.exe /e & strPath
        objShell.run strCmd
    WScript.Echo "No", strPath
    end if
end if
end if
excelPath = strPath '"I:\DVR\Reports\2014\" & DatePart("m", Now()) & "-" & DatePart("yyyy", Now()) & "\DVR Daily " & DatePart("m", Now()) & "-" & DatePart("d",      Now())-1 & "-" & DatePart("yyyy", Now()) & ".xls"
WScript.Echo "Reading Data from " & excelPath
REM Create an invisible version of Excel
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = 0  REM don't display any messages about documents needing to   be converted from  old Excel file formats
objExcel.Workbooks.open excelPath, false, true  'REM open (path,  confirmconversions, readonly)
REM How many worksheets are in this Excel documents
workSheetCount = objExcel.Worksheets.Count
For counter = 1 to workSheetCount   'REM Loop through each worksheet
WScript.Echo "Reading data from worksheet " & counter & vbCRLF
Set currentWorkSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(counter)
usedColumnsCount = currentWorkSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
usedRowsCount = currentWorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
top = currentWorksheet.UsedRange.Row
left = currentWorksheet.UsedRange.Column
Set Cells = currentWorksheet.Cells  
For row = 1 to (usedRowsCount-1)    'REM Loop through each row in the worksheet 
    For column = 0 to usedColumnsCount-1    'REM Loop through each column in the worksheet          
        curRow = row+top    'REM only look at rows that are in the  "used" range        
        curCol = column+left    'REM only look at columns that are in the "used" range      
        word = Cells(curRow,curCol).Value   'REM get the value/word  that is in the cell 
        select case column
        case 8
            ListCameras(row) = cells(curRow,curCol) 'add the value of the cell to the list of cameras
        end select
for x = 0 to ubound(ListCameras)
Result = msgbox("Sheet " & counter & " is done being read." & vbCrLf & "Continue?",vbYesNo)
if result = vbNo then
    for row = 1 to (usedRowsCount-1) 'loop through the rows
        for column = 0 to usedColumnsCount-1 'loop through the columns
            curRow = row+top
            curCol = column+left
            select case column
            case 8  'switching the current camera for the next one in line
            CellValue = cells(curRow,curCol-8).value
                if cells(curRow,curCol - 7).value =  cells(curRow,curCol).value then    'check to see if we've reached the end of the camera list
                cells(curRow,curCol).value = "1"    'start over at the begining
                    if isNumeric(cells(curRow,curCol).value) then   'check if the value in the camera column is a number
                        cells(curRow,curCol).value = cells(curRow,curCol).value + 1
                    else                         'if its not a number, then it's from one of the FBlueIris DVR's and is named differently
                        dim CameraList : CameraList =  ReturnCameraList(Trim(Right(mid(CellValue,1,4),2)))  'gets the list of cameras based on the branch number
                        dim count : count = 0
                        dim match : match = false
                        dim camera
                        for each camera in CameraList    'loop through the camera list
                            if camera =  cells(curRow,curCol).value then    'check if the current camera is in the list (it should be)
                                if count =  UBound(CameraList) then 'check count is equal to the number of cameras in the list
                                    count = 0       'restart the count
                                    count = count + 1   'add one to move to the next camera in the list
                                end if
                                match = True    'if  the camera in the cell is in the list then this should be true
                                exit for    'exit the loop so that the count does not continue to go up
                            end if
                            count = count + 1   'count goes up so that it will be the next camera in the list
                        if match = True then
                            cells(curRow,curCol).value = CameraList(count)  'when match is true input the next camera into the cell
                            cells(curRow,curCol).value = "No camera"    'if not true then enter in "No Camera" so that we will know there is a problem and can find it
                        end if
                    end if
                end if
            end select
    objExcel.Workbooks(1).SaveAs "I:\DVR\Reports\2014\" & DatePart("m", Now())  & "-" & DatePart("yyyy", Now()) & "\DVR Daily " & DatePart("m", Now()) & "-" &  DatePart("d", Now()) & "-" & DatePart("yyyy", Now()) & ".xls"
    objExcel.Workbooks("DVR Daily " & DatePart("m", Now()) & "-" &  DatePart("d", Now()) & "-" & DatePart("yyyy", Now()) & ".xls").Close True
end if
Set currentWorkSheet = Nothing  REM We are done with the current worksheet, release  the memory
Result = msgbox("Sheet " & counter & " is done being saved." & vbCrLf & "Continue?",vbYesNo)
if Result = vbNo then
    exit for
end if
objExcel.Workbooks(1).Close True
Set currentWorkSheet = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing  REM We are done with the Excel object, release it from   memory
End Function

Function ReturnCameraList(branch)
dim tempArray()
Select Case branch
    Case 2 'Branch 2
        redim tempArray(10)
        tempArray(0) = "02lobby"
        tempArray(1) = "02tlr1"
        tempArray(2) = "02tlr2"
        tempArray(3) = "02tlr3"
        tempArray(4) = "02tlr4"
        tempArray(5) = "02tlr5"
        tempArray(6) = "02tlr6"
        tempArray(7) = "02VLT"
        tempArray(8) = "02vltdr"
        tempArray(9) = "02bkdr"
        tempArray(10) = "02atm"
        ReturnCameraList = tempArray
    Case 4 'Branch 4
        redim tempArray(9)
        tempArray(0) = "04lobby"
        tempArray(1) = "04frtdoor"
        tempArray(2) = "04loan"
        tempArray(3) = "04bdoor"
        tempArray(4) = "04vlt"
        tempArray(5) = "04tlr1"
        tempArray(6) = "04tlr2"
        tempArray(7) = "04tlr3"
        tempArray(8) = "04tlr4"
        tempArray(9) = "04atm"
        ReturnCameraList = tempArray
    Case 5 'Branch 5
        redim tempArray(16)
        tempArray(0) = "05_Data_Ctr"
        tempArray(1) = "05_Vlt_Dr"
        tempArray(2) = "05_Tlr_Sup"
        tempArray(3) = "05_Frt_Dr"
        tempArray(4) = "05_ATM_Rm"
        tempArray(5) = "05_Tlr_3-4"
        tempArray(6) = "05_Drv_up"
        tempArray(7) = "05_Tlr_7-8"
        tempArray(8) = "05_Back_Dr"
        tempArray(9) = "05_ATM"
        tempArray(10) = "05_Vlt_Rm"
        tempArray(11) = "05_Tlr_1-2"
        tempArray(12) = "05_Coin_Ctr"
        tempArray(13) = "05_Tlr_5-6"
        tempArray(14) = "05_Frt_Lby"
        tempArray(15) = "05_Emply_Ent"
        tempArray(16) = "05_Frt_Strs"
        tempArray(16) = "Emp_Lot"
        ReturnCameraList = tempArray
    Case 13 'Branch 13
        redim tempArray(9)
        tempArray(0) = "13_atm"
        tempArray(1) = "13_bk_dr"
        tempArray(2) = "13_bk_wall"
        tempArray(3) = "13_drvup"
        tempArray(4) = "13_lby"
        tempArray(5) = "13_tlr_area"
        tempArray(6) = "13_tlr2"
        tempArray(7) = "13_tlr3"
        tempArray(8) = "13_vlt"
        tempArray(9) = "13_atm_rm"
        ReturnCameraList = tempArray
    Case 19 'Branch 19
        redim tempArray(13)
        tempArray(0) = "19outside"
        tempArray(1) = "19drvup1"
        tempArray(2) = "19tlr4"
        tempArray(3) = "19tlr_area"
        tempArray(4) = "19_bk_dr"
        tempArray(5) = "19_tlr_1"
        tempArray(6) = "19_bk_rm"
        tempArray(7) = "19lobby"
        tempArray(8) = "19_tlr_2"
        tempArray(9) = "19_tlr_3"
        tempArray(10) = "19drvup2"
        tempArray(11) = "19atm"
        tempArray(12) = "19_exit"
        tempArray(13) = "19usb"
        ReturnCameraList = tempArray
End Select
End Function

Jede Hilfe bei diesem würde sehr geschätzt werden.

InformationsquelleAutor Mike | 2014-01-08
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