wie Seitenumbrüche in das ext-grid funktioniert

Ich bin mit diesem Artikel von Architektur http://blog.extjs.eu/know-how/writing-a-big-application-in-ext/

hier ist meine Application.ResellerIroGrid.js
die pagination-buttons sind im kommen aber keine. der Seiten und pageno. der nicht kommt .

Application.ResellerIroGrid = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, {
    ,cityname : ''
    ,columndataindex : ''
    ,todate : '' 
    ,initComponent:function() {
        var config = {
            store:new Ext.data.JsonStore({
                //store configs
                autoDestroy: true,
                autoLoad :false
                ,method: 'GET'
                ,baseParams: {
                    ,columndataindex : this.columndataindex
                    ,fromdate : this.fromdate
                    ,todate : this.todate
                ,url: 'api/index.php'
                //reader configs
                ,root: 'reseller'
                ,totalProperty: 'totalcount'
                ,idProperty: 'mobile',
                fields: [
                   {name: 'caller'},
                   {name: 'designa'},
                   {name: 'mobile'},
                   {name: 'app_date'},
                   {name: 'transferto'},
                   {name: 'data_city'},
                   {name: 'AllocatedTo'},
                   {name: 'Parentid'},
                   {name: 'gotthru'}
            ,columns: [
                    id       :'caller',
                    header   : 'Caller', 
                    width    : 120, 
                    sortable : true, 
                    dataIndex: 'caller'
                    id       :'designa',
                    header   : ' Designation', 
                    width    : 100, 
                    sortable : true, 
                    dataIndex: 'designa'
                    id       :'mobile',
                    header   : 'Mobile', 
                    height : 50,
                    width    : 100, 
                    sortable : true, 
                    dataIndex: 'mobile'
                    id       :'app_date',
                    header   : ' Appointment Date', 
                    width    : 100, 
                    sortable : true, 
                    dataIndex : 'app_date'
                    id       :'transferto',
                    header   : ' Transfered To', 
                    width    : 100, 
                    sortable : true, 
                    dataIndex: 'transferto'
                    id       :'data_city',
                    header   : ' Data City', 
                    width    : 100, 
                    sortable : true, 
                    dataIndex: 'data_city'
                    id       :'AllocatedTo',
                    header   : ' Allocated To', 
                    width    : 100, 
                    sortable : true, 
                    dataIndex: 'AllocatedTo'
                    id       :'Parentid',
                    header   : ' Parent Id', 
                    width    : 100, 
                    sortable : true, 
                    dataIndex: 'Parentid'
                    id       :'gotthru',
                    header   : ' Appointment Type', 
                    width    : 100, 
                    sortable : true, 
                    dataIndex: 'gotthru'
            ,plugins :[]
            ,viewConfig :{forceFit:true}
            ,tbar :[]
            ,bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({
                pageSize: 5,
                store: this.store,
                displayInfo: true,
                displayMsg: 'Displaying topics {0} - {1} of {2}',
                emptyMsg: "No topics to display"
          ,height : 250
          ,width : 860
           ,title : 'Reseller Iro Grid'
        }; //eo config object

        //apply config
        Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));
        Application.ResellerIroGrid.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
    } //eo function initComponent
    ,onRender:function() {

        Application.ResellerIroGrid.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
    } //eo function onRender

Ext.reg('ResellerIroGrid', Application.ResellerIroGrid);
InformationsquelleAutor XMen | 2011-03-21
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