Wie zu verwenden Espresso Leerlauf Ressource für Netzwerk-Aufrufe

Ich versuche zu verwenden, Espresso zum testen meiner UI. Wenn ich das login in meine Anwendung, ich mache einen Aufruf von Parse-API (network call) zu überprüfen, ob der Benutzername und das Passwort. Wenn alles gut geht bekommt der Nutzer weitergeleitet auf eine neue Tätigkeit. Ich möchte, um dies zu testen, aber ich kann nicht scheinen zu arbeiten mit der idle-Ressource-Sache.


public class ApplicationTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<LoginActivity> {

private CountingIdlingResource fooServerIdlingResource;

public ApplicationTest() {

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    CountingIdlingResource countingResource = new CountingIdlingResource("FooServerCalls");
    this.fooServerIdlingResource = countingResource;

public void testChangeText_sameActivity() {
    //Type text and then press the button.
            .perform(typeText("[email protected]"), closeSoftKeyboard());
            .perform(typeText("s"), closeSoftKeyboard());

    //Check that the text was changed.

public boolean performClick(){
    try {
        return true;
    } finally {

public final class CountingIdlingResource implements IdlingResource {
    private static final String TAG = "CountingIdlingResource";
    private final String resourceName;
    private final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
    private final boolean debugCounting;

    //written from main thread, read from any thread.
    private volatile ResourceCallback resourceCallback;

    //read/written from any thread - used for debugging messages.
    private volatile long becameBusyAt = 0;
    private volatile long becameIdleAt = 0;

     * Creates a CountingIdlingResource without debug tracing.
     * @param resourceName the resource name this resource should report to Espresso.
    public CountingIdlingResource(String resourceName) {
        this(resourceName, false);

     * Creates a CountingIdlingResource.
     * @param resourceName  the resource name this resource should report to Espresso.
     * @param debugCounting if true increment & decrement calls will print trace information to logs.
    public CountingIdlingResource(String resourceName, boolean debugCounting) {
        this.resourceName = checkNotNull(resourceName);
        this.debugCounting = debugCounting;

    public String getName() {
        return resourceName;

    public boolean isIdleNow() {
        return counter.get() == 0;

    public void registerIdleTransitionCallback(ResourceCallback resourceCallback) {
        this.resourceCallback = resourceCallback;

     * Increments the count of in-flight transactions to the resource being monitored.
     * <p/>
     * This method can be called from any thread.
    public void increment() {
        int counterVal = counter.getAndIncrement();
        if (0 == counterVal) {
            becameBusyAt = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();

        if (debugCounting) {
            Log.i(TAG, "Resource: " + resourceName + " in-use-count incremented to: " + (counterVal + 1));

     * Decrements the count of in-flight transactions to the resource being monitored.
     * <p/>
     * If this operation results in the counter falling below 0 - an exception is raised.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the counter is below 0.
    public void decrement() {
        int counterVal = counter.decrementAndGet();

        if (counterVal == 0) {
            //we've gone from non-zero to zero. That means we're idle now! Tell espresso.
            if (null != resourceCallback) {
            becameIdleAt = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();

        if (debugCounting) {
            if (counterVal == 0) {
                Log.i(TAG, "Resource: " + resourceName + " went idle! (Time spent not idle: " +
                        (becameIdleAt - becameBusyAt) + ")");
            } else {
                Log.i(TAG, "Resource: " + resourceName + " in-use-count decremented to: " + counterVal);
        checkState(counterVal > -1, "Counter has been corrupted!");

     * Prints the current state of this resource to the logcat at info level.
    public void dumpStateToLogs() {
        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Resource: ")
                .append(" inflight transaction count: ")
        if (0 == becameBusyAt) {
            Log.i(TAG, message.append(" and has never been busy!").toString());
        } else {
            message.append(" and was last busy at: ")
            if (0 == becameIdleAt) {
                Log.w(TAG, message.append(" AND NEVER WENT IDLE!").toString());
            } else {
                message.append(" and last went idle at: ")
                Log.i(TAG, message.toString());


Ausnahme, die ich jetzt bekommen, ist die folgende:

ndroid.support.test.espresso.IdlingResourceTimeoutException: Wait for [FooServerCalls] to become idle timed out

Wenn ich den test ausführen, der Benutzername und das Passwort sind immer gefüllt, aber das ausführen klicken, wird nie aufgerufen und ich erhalte die exception nach ein paar Sekunden. Wie soll ich das implementieren, die im Leerlauf Ressource richtig?


Ich würde empfehlen, mit Kalebasse für Android. Kalebasse arbeitet ähnlich, muss aber nicht, Sie zu ändern Sie Ihre app-code für die Prüfung.

InformationsquelleAutor Dennis Anderson | 2015-06-09

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