Wie zum speichern und abrufen von einem Fingerabdruck-Vorlage in der phpmyadmin-Datenbank mit VB

Wir sind mit digital persona für unsere Biometrie. Wir können schon sparen, Mitarbeiter-ID, name des Mitarbeiters und die zugeordneten finger .Unser problem ist, dass wir nicht wissen, wie Sie eine Fingerabdruck-Vorlage zu einer Datenbank und abrufen, so dass es noch gelesen werden können und überprüft durch die biometrische scanner. Die Dateierweiterung ist ".ftp" .


Private Sub buttonRegister_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttonRegister.Click

        'Does user already exists
        Dim bUserExists As Boolean = _Users.UserExists(New UserID(textBoxUserName.Text))

        ' first make sure the user is created if new user
        If _ActiveUser Is Nothing Or Not bUserExists Then
            ' initialize with supplied user name
            _ActiveUser = New User(textBoxUserName.Text)
            ' update active user if not as originally selected
            If bUserExists And Not listBoxUsers.SelectedItem.ToString() = textBoxUserName.Text Then
                _ActiveUser = _Users(New UserID(textBoxUserName.Text))
            End If
        End If

        ' and check if the template already exists for the assigned finger
        If _ActiveUser.TemplateExists(_AssignedFinger) Then
            ' show message indicating template already exists for selected finger
            Dim diagResult As DialogResult = MessageBox.Show(Me, [String].Format("Oops!" + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "{0} has a template enrolled to his/her {1} finger." + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + ControlChars.Lf + "Shall the old template be discarded?", _ActiveUser.ID.ToString(), _Fingers(_AssignedFinger)), "Template already assigned!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

            ' if user selected not to overwrite, then abort
            If diagResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No Then
            End If
        End If

            ' attempt to read the template
            Dim templateOpened As New DPFP.Template(File.OpenRead(textBoxTemplateFilename.Text))

            ' run a template duplicate check

            ' remove the old template if exists
            If _ActiveUser.TemplateExists(_AssignedFinger) Then
                ' removed from assigned finger
            End If

            ' and assign it to the user as specified
            _ActiveUser.AddTemplate(templateOpened, _AssignedFinger)

            ' update collection
            If Not _Users.UserExists(_ActiveUser.ID) Then
                ' update list box

                ' add user it to the user collection
            End If

            ' success
            UpdateEventLog([String].Format("{0}: Template successfully assigned to {1} finger.", _ActiveUser.ID.ToString(), _AssignedFinger.ToString()))

            ' turn off groupbox
            groupAddTemplate.Visible = False

            listBoxUsers.SelectedItem = _ActiveUser.ID.ToString()

            ' sync gui

            ' view user

        Catch Err As DPFP.Error.SDKException
            ' log message
        Catch Err As System.IO.FileNotFoundException
            ' log message
            UpdateEventLog("Template file not found or is inaccessible.")
        Catch Err As Exception
            ' log message
        End Try

        Using conn As New MySqlConnection("Server = localhost; Username= root; Password =; Database = vb")
            Using cmd
                With cmd
                    MsgBox("Connection Established")
                    .Connection = conn
                    'Create Insert Query
                    .CommandText = "INSERT INTO employees(UserID, Name, Finger) VALUES (@iID, @iName, @iFinger)"
                    .Parameters.Add(New MySqlParameter("@iID", ID.Text))
                    .Parameters.Add(New MySqlParameter("@iName", textBoxUserName.Text))
                    .Parameters.Add(New MySqlParameter("@iFinger", comboBoxAssignedFinger.Text))

                End With
                    'Open Connection and Execute Query
                Catch ex As MySqlException
                End Try
            End Using
        End Using

InformationsquelleAutor godslove | 2012-11-27

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