Winkel-Ressource-Tests: $httpBackend.flush() Unerwartete Anfrage

Ich testen will, angularjs Ressource.

'use strict';

 * AddressService provides functionality to use address resource in easy way.
 * This is an example usage of method:
 * `get`:
     var a = AddressService.get({id: '1'},
         function (data) {
            //Work here with your resource
App.factory('AddressService', function ($resource, $rootScope) {
    var url = [

        actions = {
            'get': {
                method: 'GET',
                params: {id: '@id'}
    return $resource(url, {}, actions);

Habe ich den test:

'use strict';

var $httpBackend;

describe('Service: AddressService', function () {


    beforeEach(inject(function ($injector) {
        var url_get = 'api/v1/models/address/5';

        var response_get = {
            address_line_1: '8 Austin House Netly Road',
            address_line_2: 'Ilford IR2 7ND'

        $httpBackend = $injector.get('$httpBackend');



    describe('AddressService get test', function () {
        it('Tests get address', inject(function (AddressService) {
            var address = AddressService.get({ id: '5'});
            expect(address.address_line_1).toEqual('8 Austin House Netly Road');
            expect(address.address_line_2).toEqual('Ilford IR2 7ND');

Ich bin nicht erfahren mit den eckigen sehr gut.
Ich habe Jasmin in karma.config.js.
AngularJS v1.0.6
Yoeman und Grunzen verwalten Projekt.

Ich versuche grunt test

Running "karma:unit" (karma) task
INFO [karma]: Karma server started at http://localhost:8080/
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chrome
INFO [Chrome 27.0 (Linux)]: Connected on socket id RFFUY5bW8Hb5eTu0n-8L
Chrome 27.0 (Linux) Service: AddressService AddressService get Tests get address FAILED
        Error: Unexpected request: GET views/home.html
        No more request expected
            at Error (<anonymous>)
            at $httpBackend (/home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/app/components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:910:9)
            at sendReq (/home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/app/components/angular/angular.js:9087:9)
            at $http (/home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/app/components/angular/angular.js:8878:17)
            at Function.$http.(anonymous function) [as get] (/home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/app/components/angular/angular.js:9021:18)
            at $ (/home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/app/components/angular/angular.js:7394:34)
            at wrappedCallback (/home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/app/components/angular/angular.js:6797:59)
            at wrappedCallback (/home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/app/components/angular/angular.js:6797:59)
            at /home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/app/components/angular/angular.js:6834:26
            at Object.Scope.$eval (/home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/app/components/angular/angular.js:8011:28)
        Error: Declaration Location
            at window.jasmine.window.inject.angular.mock.inject (/home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/app/components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1744:25)
            at null.<anonymous> (/home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/test/spec/services/userdata/AddressService.js:32:30)
            at null.<anonymous> (/home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/test/spec/services/userdata/AddressService.js:31:5)
            at /home/bart/y/projects/x/frontend/test/spec/services/userdata/AddressService.js:5:1
Chrome 27.0 (Linux): Executed 67 of 67 (1 FAILED) (0.343 secs / 0.179 secs)
Warning: Task "karma:unit" failed. Use --force to continue.

Wenn ich entfernen $httpBackend.flush() im test. Test ist vorbei. Aber ich bin immer undefined aus address. Ich sah Beispiele: Beispiel alle flush() Aber nur ich dumme Ausnahme: Error: Unexpected request: GET views/home.html

views/home.html ist meine Ansicht im Projekt-Verzeichnis. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie mein problem zu lösen, ich konnte nicht finden keine Lösung. Bin ich fehlt der Punkt, irgendwie?

Kann jeder sehen, Fehler in meinem code? Alle Vorschläge werden zu schätzen wissen.


Habe ich festgestellt, dass ich brauche, um diese zu verwenden:

$httpBackend.when('GET', /\.html$/).passThrough();

Aber ein anderes problem ist, ich bin immer:

TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'passThrough'
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