CodeIgniter Dritten Klasse nicht laden

Bin ich versucht zu implementieren Dashboard-widget-Klasse (gefunden hier:, aber es gibt mir Fehler Unable to load the requested class

Ich habe versucht, fügen Sie diese Klasse in autoload sowie menually zu meinem controller $this->load->library('dash') aber diese geben auch den gleichen Fehler.

Habe ich überprüft dash.php gefunden und unten Methode private function __example__() aber nicht verstehen können, was die Entwickler sagen im Kommentar.

class Dash
    private function __example__()
         * This function is purely to show an example of a dashboard method to place
         * within your own controller.

        //load third_party hArpanet dashboard library
        $dash =& $this->load->library('dash');

        //configure dashboard widgets - format: type, src, title, cols, alt (for images)
        $dash->widgets = array(

                    array('type'=>'oop',     'src'=>'test_dash',         'title'=>'Test OOP Widget',    'cols'=>3),

                    //if 'title' is set to FALSE, the title block is omitted entirely
                    //note: this is an 'html' widget but is being fed content from a local method
                    array('type'=>'html',     'src'=>self::test_method(), 'title'=>false,    'cols'=>3),

                    array('type'=>'file',     'src'=>'saf_inv.htm',         'title'=>'Safety Investigation'),

                    //multi-content widget - set widget title in outer array (also note use of CI anchor to create a link)
                    array('title'=>anchor('tz', 'TARGET ZERO'),
                            //sub-content follows same array format as single content widget
                            //'img' content can also have an 'alt' text
                            array('type'=>'img',    'src'=>'saf_tzout.gif',      'alt'=>'Action Completed'),
                            array('type'=>'file',    'src'=>'saf_tz.htm'),
                            array('type'=>'file',    'src'=>'ave_close.htm',     'title'=>'Average Time to Close')

                    array('type'=>'file',    'src'=>'saf_meet.htm',        'title'=>'Safety Meeting'),
                    array('type'=>'file',    'src'=>'saf_acc.htm',        'title'=>'Accident Investigation'),
                    array('type'=>'file',    'src'=>'saf_hazmat.htm',     'title'=>anchor('hazmat', 'HAZMAT')),
                    array('type'=>'file',    'src'=>'saf_cont.htm',         'title'=>'Loss of Containment'),
                    array('type'=>'file',    'src'=>'saf_worksinfo.htm',    'title'=>'Works Information'),

                    //an action widget - 'clear' will generate a blank widget with a style of clear:both

                    //multi-content widget - width can be set using the 'cols' param in outer array
                    array('title'=>'RAG Report', 'cols' => 2,

                            array('type'=>'file',    'src'=>'saf_rag.htm'),
                            array('type'=>'img',    'src'=>'ProcSaf.gif')),

                    array('type'=>'file',    'src'=>'saf_chrom.htm',        'title'=>'Chrome checks'),

        //populate the view variable
        $widgets = $dash->build('safety');

        //render the dashboard
        $this->load->view('layout_default', $widgets);


} //end of Dash class

Installationspfad ist root/application/third_party/hArpanet/hDash/libraries/dash.php

Wie kann ich laden Sie diese Klasse, um mein system ein und verwenden Sie widgets?

haben Sie versucht, die Bibliothek-Klasse, die als Namen CI_Dash

InformationsquelleAutor Code Lover | 2014-01-09

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