C++ Fehler: Wurde nicht deklariert in den Anwendungsbereich

Hey Leute, ich bin an einem Projekt arbeiten und ich machte mich ziemlich gut, bis ich traf diese Wand..

Bin ich immer zwei Fehler:

Fehler: 'binarysearch-Methode' wurde nicht deklariert, in diesem Umfang

Fehler: 'addInOrder' wurde nicht deklariert, in diesem Umfang

Hier sind meine Dateien, die ich ausprobiert habe schon ein paar Sachen ohne Erfolg. Hilfe wäre sehr geschätzt werden.


#include "histogram.h"
#include "countedLocs.h"

//#include "vectorUtils.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
void histogram (istream& input, ostream& output)
  //Step 1 - set up the data
  vector<CountedLocations> countedLocs;

  //Step 2 - read and count the requested locators
  string logEntry;
  getline (input, logEntry);
  while (input)
      string request = extractTheRequest(logEntry);
      if (isAGet(request))
      string locator = extractLocator(request);

      int position = binarySearch (countedLocs,
                       CountedLocations(locator, 0));
      /** Hint - when looking CountedLocations up in any kind
          of container, we really don't care if the counts match up
          or not, just so long as the URLs are the same. ***/

      if (position >= 0)
          //We found this locator already in the array.
          //Increment its count
          //This is a new locator. Add it.
          CountedLocations newLocation (locator, 1);
          addInOrder (countedLocs, newLocation);
      getline (input, logEntry);

  //Step 3 - write the output report
  for (int i = 0; i < countedLocs.size(); ++i)
    output << countedLocs[i] << endl;


#include "countedLocs.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int CountedLocations::binarySearch(const vector<CountedLocations> list, CountedLocations searchItem)
   //Code was here

int CountedLocations::addInOrder (std::vector<CountedLocations>& vectr, CountedLocations value)
   //Code was here



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

struct CountedLocations

    std::string url;
    int count;

    CountedLocations (){
     url = "";
     count = 0;

    CountedLocations(std::string a, int b){
     url = a;
     count = b;

    int addInOrder (std::vector<CountedLocations>& vectr, CountedLocations value);
    int binarySearch (const std::vector<CountedLocations> list, CountedLocations searchItem);

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, CountedLocations& cL)
    //out << "URL: " << cL.url << " count: " << cL.count << std::endl;

    out << "\"" << cL.url << "\"," << cL.count;
    return out;

InformationsquelleAutor user2989158 | 2013-11-13
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