CodeIgniter form_multiselect

Ich habe eine besiedelte CodeIgniter form_multiselect. Mit Werten in es

Code dafür ist wie folgt:

<select multiple="multiple" name="EMPLOYEES_id[]">
 <option value="8">Employee 8</option>
 <option value="1">Employee 1</option>
 <option value="12">Employee 12</option>

Läuft auf einem system, wo können Sie das senden von Nachrichten an mehrere Benutzer. Was ich also gerne machen würde ist sagen, der Benutzer wählt mit dem Wert 1 und Wert 8. Ich würde gerne zwei Platten mit den gleichen Daten, aber der einzige Unterschied ist die EMPLOYEES_id Feld in der Datenbank ist jedes mal anders.

Mein Modell ist wie folgt:

function create()
    $this->template->set('title', 'Create Message');

    //Validate the form input
    $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<span class="help-inline">', '</span>');
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('MESSAGE_summary', 'Message Summary', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('MESSAGE_body', 'Message Body', 'trim|required|xss_clean');

    if($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)

        //Get all users in same company as logged in user
        $comapny_contacts = $this->Employees_model->read_company_contacts($this->viewinguser->BUSINESSES_id);
        $comapny_contacts = $comapny_contacts->result();

        foreach($comapny_contacts as $contacts)
            $comapny_contacts_options[$contacts->EMPLOYEES_id] = $contacts->EMPLOYEES_firstname . ' ' . $contacts->EMPLOYEES_surname;

        $this->template->set('comapny_contacts_options', $comapny_contacts_options);

        //form has not been run or there are validation errors

         * Lets create the new message in the database
        $insert_data = new stdClass();
        $insert_data->MESSAGES_summary = $this->input->post('MESSAGE_summary');
        $insert_data->MESSAGES_body = $this->input->post('MESSAGE_body');
        $insert_data->MESSAGES_level = $this->input->post('MESSAGES_level');
        $insert_data->MESSAGES_type = $this->input->post('MESSAGES_type');
        $insert_data->MESSAGES_createdby = $this->activeuser->EMPLOYEES_id;
        //$insert_data->EMPLOYEES_id = $this->input->post('EMPLOYEES_id');
        foreach($this->input->post('EMPLOYEES_id') as $employee_id)
            $insert_data->EMPLOYEES_id = $employee_id;

            //Save to new message in the database

         * Now lets save a notification email in the database to be sent to the user
        $notification_body = '
        <p>A new message has been added for you  by ' . $this->session->userdata('activeuser')->EMPLOYEES_firstname . '<br />
        <p><strong>Summary:</strong> ' . $this->input->post('MESSAGE_summary') . '</p>
        <p>------------------------------<br />
        <a class="btn" href="' . base_url('messages') . '">Click to view full messages</a>';

        //Get the info for the user who the notification is for
        $notify_user_info = $this->Employees_model->read_single_switch($this->input->post('EMPLOYEES_id'));
        $notify_user_info = $notify_user_info->result();

        //Set all the data
        $insert_data = new stdClass();
        $insert_data->NOTIFICATIONS_toname = $notify_user_info[0]->EMPLOYEES_firstname . ' ' . $notify_user_info[0]->EMPLOYEES_surname;
        $insert_data->NOTIFICATIONS_toemail = $notify_user_info[0]->EMPLOYEES_email;
        $insert_data->NOTIFICATIONS_subject = 'A new message has been added for you';
        $insert_data->NOTIFICATIONS_htmlbody = $notification_body;
        //$insert_data->EMPLOYEES_id = $this->input->post('EMPLOYEES_id');
        foreach($this->input->post('EMPLOYEES_id') as $employee_id)
            $insert_data->EMPLOYEES_id = $employee_id;

            //Save to new notification to the database

        //show user confirmation
        $this->session->set_flashdata('success_message', 'New message created successfully.');
InformationsquelleAutor StuBlackett | 2012-05-23
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