Datei-upload über EXTJS und der PHP

Lade ich meine Datei mit EXTJS und es ist gespeichert in den server
das problem ist, dass ich kann nicht get Sie ein-Erfolg-Funktion oder sogar die waitMsg läuft immer
Hier ist der Code
EXTJS-code :

 var fp = new Ext.FormPanel({
    fileUpload: true,
    width: 500,
    frame: true,
    title: 'File Upload Form',
    bodyStyle: 'padding: 10px 10px 0 10px;',
    labelWidth: 50,
    defaults: {
        anchor: '95%',
        allowBlank: false,
        msgTarget: 'side'
    items: [{
        xtype: 'fileuploadfield',
        id: 'form-file',
        emptyText: 'Selectionnez un fichier',
        fieldLabel: 'Fichier',
        name: 'photo-path',
        buttonText: 'Parcourir'
    buttons: [{
        text: 'Ajouter',
        handler: function(){
     var myUrl = 'php/file-upload.php?idOrganisme=' + idOrganisme + '&demarche=' + demarche;
                     url: myUrl,
                     waitMsg: 'Envoi de votre fichier...',

        text: 'Fermer',
        handler: function(){


PHP-code :


 $server = "http://localhost/wa";
 $idOrganisme = $_GET['idOrganisme'];
 $demarche = $_GET['demarche'];

 $req = $bdd->query('SELECT idDemarche FROM demarche,typeDemarche WHERE
 idOrganisme=' . $idOrganisme . 
 ' AND demarche.idTypeDemarche = typeDemarche.idTypeDemarche 
 AND typeDemarche.typeDemarche="' . $demarche .'"');
 $demarcheArray = $req->fetch();
 $idDemarche = $demarcheArray['idDemarche'];

 $myPath = '../uploads/_' . $idOrganisme . '_' . $idDemarche . '/';

 $target_path = utf8_decode($myPath);
 mkdir($target_path, 0705);
 echo 'OK';
  echo 'OK';
  $temp_file_name = utf8_decode($_FILES['photo-path']['tmp_name']);
  $original_file_name = utf8_decode($_FILES['photo-path']['name']);

  //Find file extention
  $ext = explode ('.', $original_file_name);
  $ext = $ext [count ($ext) - 1];

  //Remove the extention from the original file name
  $file_name = str_replace ($ext, '', $original_file_name);

  $new_name = $target_path . '[' . utf8_encode($file_name) . $ext;
  chmod($new_name, 705);

  if(move_uploaded_file ($temp_file_name, $new_name)) {
    $length = strlen($new_name);
    $path = $server . substr($new_name,2,$
    $req = $bdd->prepare('INSERT INTO liens(idDemarche, lien) values(:idDemarche, :lien)');
    $req->execute(array('idDemarche' => intVal($idDemarche), 'lien' => $path));
    echo "OK";
  else {
   echo "error";
  echo 'message';

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