Django 1.11 TypeError-Kontext muss eher ein Dict als ein Kontext sein

Habe gerade das Sentry Fehler TypeError context must be a dict rather than Context. auf einem meiner Formulare. Ich weiß, es hat etwas zu tun mit Django 1.11, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher, was zu verändern ist, um es zu beheben.

Betreffende Zeile

message = get_template('email_forms/direct_donation_form_email.html').render(Context(ctx))

Gesamte Ansicht

def donation_application(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = DirectDonationForm(data=request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            stripe.api_key = settings.STRIPE_SECRET_KEY
            name = request.POST.get('name', '')
            address = request.POST.get('address', '')
            city = request.POST.get('city', '')
            state = request.POST.get('state', '')
            zip = request.POST.get('zip', '')
            phone_number = request.POST.get('phone_number', '')
            support = request.POST.get('support', '')
            agree = request.POST.get('agree', '')
            email_address = request.POST.get('email_address', '')
            number = request.POST.get('number', '')
            cvc = request.POST.get('cvc', '')
            exp = request.POST.get('exp', '')
            # token = form.cleaned_data['stripe_token'],
            # exp_m = int(request.POST.get('exp_month', ''))
            # exp_y = int(request.POST.get('exp_year', ''))

            exp_month = exp[0:2]
            exp_year = exp[5:9]

            subject = 'New Donation'
            from_email = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
            recipient_list = ['deniselarkins@/////\\\\\.com',

            token = stripe.Token.create(
                    'number': number,
                    'exp_month': exp_month,
                    'exp_year': exp_year,
                    'cvc': cvc

            customer = stripe.Customer.create(

            total_support = decimal.Decimal(support) / 100
            total_charge = decimal.Decimal(int(support)) / 100

            # Charge the user's card:
            charge = stripe.Charge.create(

            ctx = {
                'name': name,
                'address': address,
                'city': city,
                'state': state,
                'zip': zip,
                'phone_number': phone_number,
                'email_address': email_address,
                'agree': agree,
                'charge': charge,
                'customer': customer,
                'total_support': total_support,
                'total_charge': total_charge

            message = get_template('email_forms/direct_donation_form_email.html').render(Context(ctx))
            msg = EmailMessage(subject, message, from_email=from_email, to=recipient_list)
            msg.content_subtype = 'html'

            return redirect(
                '/contribute/donation-support-thank-you/?name=' + name +
                '&address=' + address +
                '&state=' + state +
                '&city=' + city +
                '&zip=' + zip +
                '&phone_number=' + phone_number +
                '&email_address=' + email_address +
                '&total_support=' + str(total_support) +
                '&total_charge=' + str(total_charge)
    context = {
        'title': 'Donation Pledge',

    return render(request, 'contribute/_donation-application.html', context)
Kommentar zu dem Problem

InformationsquelleAutor der Frage Studio Rooster | 2017-05-04

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