PHP-Skript zum extrahieren von artist & Titel von Shoutcast/Icecast-stream

Fand ich ein script, das kann der Auszug der Künstler & title name aus einem Icecast-oder Shoutcast-stream.
Ich möchte das Skript automatisch aktualisiert werden, wenn ein song verändert, im moment seiner arbeiten, nur wenn ich es ausführen. Ich bin neu in PHP, so jede Hilfe wird sehr geschätzt.

define('CRLF', "\r\n");

class streaminfo{
public $valid = false;
public $useragent = 'Winamp 2.81';

protected $headers = array();
protected $metadata = array();

public function __construct($location){
    $errno = $errstr = '';
    $t = parse_url($location);
    $sock = fsockopen($t['host'], $t['port'], $errno, $errstr, 5);
    $path = isset($t['path'])?$t['path']:'/';
    if ($sock){
        $request = 'GET '.$path.' HTTP/1.0' . CRLF . 
            'Host: ' . $t['host'] . CRLF . 
            'Connection: Close' . CRLF . 
            'User-Agent: ' . $this->useragent . CRLF . 
            'Accept: */*' . CRLF . 
            'icy-metadata: 1'.CRLF.
            'icy-prebuffer: 65536'.CRLF.
            (isset($t['user'])?'Authorization: Basic '.base64_encode($t['user'].':'.$t['pass']).CRLF:'').
            'X-TipOfTheDay: Winamp "Classic" rulez all of them.' . CRLF . CRLF;
        if (fwrite($sock, $request)){
            $theaders = $line = '';
            while (!feof($sock)){ 
                $line = fgets($sock, 4096); 
                if('' == trim($line)){
                $theaders .= $line;
            $theaders = explode(CRLF, $theaders);
            foreach ($theaders as $header){
                $t = explode(':', $header); 
                if (isset($t[0]) && trim($t[0]) != ''){
                    $name = preg_replace('/[^a-z][^a-z0-9]*/i','', strtolower(trim($t[0])));
                    $value = trim(implode(':', $t));
                    if ($value != ''){
                        if (is_numeric($value)){
                            $this->headers[$name] = (int)$value;
                            $this->headers[$name] = $value;
            if (!isset($this->headers['icymetaint'])){
                $data = ''; $metainterval = 512;
                    $data .= fgetc($sock);
                    if (strlen($data) >= $metainterval) break;
                $matches = array();
                preg_match_all('/([\x00-\xff]{2})\x0\x0([a-z]+)=/i', $data, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
               preg_match_all('/([a-z]+)=([a-z0-9\(\)\[\]., ]+)/i', $data, $matches, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
               echo '<pre>';var_dump($matches);echo '</pre>';
                $title = $artist = '';
                foreach ($matches[0] as $nr => $values){
                  $offset = $values[1];
                  $length = ord($values[0]{0}) + 
                            (ord($values[0]{1}) * 256)+ 
                            (ord($values[0]{2}) * 256*256)+ 
                            (ord($values[0]{3}) * 256*256*256);
                  $info = substr($data, $offset + 4, $length);
                  $seperator = strpos($info, '=');
                  $this->metadata[substr($info, 0, $seperator)] = substr($info, $seperator + 1);
                    if (substr($info, 0, $seperator) == 'title') $title = substr($info, $seperator + 1);
                    if (substr($info, 0, $seperator) == 'artist') $artist = substr($info, $seperator + 1);
                $this->metadata['streamtitle'] = $artist . ' - ' . $title;
                $metainterval = $this->headers['icymetaint'];
                $intervals = 0;
                $metadata = '';
                    $data = '';
                        $data .= fgetc($sock);
                        if (strlen($data) >= $metainterval) break;
                    $len = join(unpack('c', fgetc($sock))) * 16;
                    if ($len > 0){
                        $metadata = str_replace("\0", '', fread($sock, $len));
                        if ($intervals > 100) break;
                $metarr = explode(';', $metadata);
                foreach ($metarr as $meta){
                    $t = explode('=', $meta);
                    if (isset($t[0]) && trim($t[0]) != ''){
                        $name = preg_replace('/[^a-z][^a-z0-9]*/i','', strtolower(trim($t[0])));
                        $value = trim(implode('=', $t));
                        if (substr($value, 0, 1) == '"' || substr($value, 0, 1) == "'"){
                            $value = substr($value, 1);
                        if (substr($value, -1) == '"' || substr($value, -1) == "'"){
                            $value = substr($value, 0, -1);
                        if ($value != ''){
                            $this->metadata[$name] = $value;
            $this->valid = true;
        }else echo 'unable to write.';
    }else echo 'no socket '.$errno.' - '.$errstr.'.';

public function print_data($data){
    $data = str_split($data);
    $c = 0;
    $string = '';
    echo "<pre>\n000000 ";
    foreach ($data as $char){
        $string .= addcslashes($char, "\n\r\0\t");
        $hex = dechex(join(unpack('C', $char)));
        if ($c % 4 == 0) echo ' ';
        if ($c % (4*4) == 0 && $c != 0){
          foreach (str_split($string) as $s){
            //echo " $string\n";
            if (ord($s) < 32 || ord($s) > 126){
              echo '\\'.ord($s);
              echo $s;
          echo "\n";
          $string = '';
          echo str_pad($c, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).'  ';
        if (strlen($hex) < 1) $hex = '00';
        if (strlen($hex) < 2) $hex = '0'.$hex;
          echo $hex.' ';
    echo "  $string\n</pre>";

public function __get($name){
    if (isset($this->metadata[$name])){
        return $this->metadata[$name];
    if (isset($this->headers[$name])){
        return $this->headers[$name];
    return null;

$t = new streaminfo(''); //get metadata

echo Meta Interval: $t->icymetaint;
echo Current Track: $t->streamtitle;
  • Vielen Dank für dieses Skript. Ich habe einfach zu finden, die analysiert die stream-Daten HTML-Seite, die unter Bruch mit zukünftigen Versionen von Icecast/Shoutcast. (Referenz:
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