python NoneType Objekt ist nicht durchsuchbar

Dieser code läuft einwandfrei, wenn "Dateiname" eine Datei, die vorhanden ist... wenn es nicht funktioniert, jedoch...
Ich bekomme immer den gleichen Fehler:
TypeError: 'NoneType' - Objekt ist nicht durchsuchbar (Errno 2)

Obwohl ich nie Durchlaufen, auf nichts, wenn eine Datei geöffnet wird, die ganz am Anfang der Funktion. Ich habe mir über meinen code um ein Vielfaches und kann nicht finden, wo würde ich die Iteration auf ein Objekt ist nicht durchsuchbar.

NB. Ich habe auch versucht mit "except IOError" und ich bekomme das gleiche Ergebnis.

Die Funktion nimmt nur ein argument entgegen, das ist die variable "mit dem Namen"


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Saume\Workspace\Chess\src\", line 431, in <module>
   game1, board1 = loadgame(inp_f)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

NB. der Aufruf der Funktion erfolgt mit einem string, gesammelt aus den Benutzereingaben "inp_f" (loadgame ist der name der Funktion)

Hier der code:

    f = open(filename, "r")
    file_empty = False
except FileNotFoundError: 
    file_empty = True
    # file doesn't exist, error string

if file_empty: # empty save file, create a new game
    g, b = creategame() # this function works 100%... no problems here
    # amount of each pieces
    tb = 0
    tn = 0
    cb = 0
    cn = 0
    fb = 0
    fn = 0
    db = 0
    dn = 0
    rb = 0
    rn = 0
    pb = 0
    pn = 0

    d = {} # dictionnary for the board

    n = 0
    f_game = ""
    f_pieces = []
    for line in f: # iterate on the file... only if file_empty == False....
        if n == 0: # first line contains general game info
            f_game = line
        else: # other lines contain coordinates of the pieces
            f_pieces += [line]
        n += 1 # increment number of lines... n-1 == number of pieces

    f.close() # close the file... only if the file was opened...

    # validating the format of the first line
        temp1 = int(f_game[0])
        temp2 = int(f_game[2])
        temp3 = int(f_game[4])
        temp4 = int(f_game[6])
        temp5 = int(f_game[8])
        f_game = [temp1, None, temp2, None, temp3, None, temp4, None, temp5]
    except ValueError: 
        pass # display error message... bad format

    for i in f_pieces: # iterate on the list that contains information about pieces
            i1 = int(i[0])
            i2 = int(i[1])
        except ValueError: # bad coordinates... piece is put outside the board
            i1 = 8
            i2 = 8
        if i[2] == "T": # rook
            if i[3] == "B": # white

                if f_game[2] != 0 and i1 == 0 and i2 == 7: # short white roc is possible... this is the right rook, too
                    did_first_move = False
                elif f_game[4] != 0 and i1 == 0 and i2 == 0: # long white roc is possible... and this is the right rook, too
                    did_first_move = False
                else:  # it is not one a rook implied ina  possible roc
                    did_first_move = True

                tb += 1 # increment the amount of this piece by 1

                globals()["tb" + str(tb)] = Rook.Rook(0, i1, i2, did_first_move) # from the import Rook... which contains class Rook with its initializer that takes 4 args (color, line, column, first_move)
                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if the coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["tb" + str(tb)] # add it to the board dictionary... key is a tuple... element is a Piece.Piece class

            else: # black...Rook still

                if f_game[6] != 0 and i1 == 7 and i2 == 7: # short black roc possible... this is the right rook, too
                    did_first_move = False
                elif f_game[8] != 0 and i1 == 7 and i2 == 0: # long black roc possible... this is the right rook, too
                    did_first_move = False
                else:  # the rook is not implied in a possible roc
                    did_first_move = True

                tn += 1 # increment piece type

                globals()["tn" + str(tn)] = Rook.Rook(1, i1, i2, did_first_move) # once again... from the import that takes 4 args

                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if the coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["tn" + str(tn)] # put it in the board dictionary

        elif i[2] == "C": # Knight
            if i[3] == "B": # white

                cb += 1 # increment
                globals()["cb" + str(cb)] = Knight.Knight(0, i1, i2) # from the import... not it takes 3 or 4 args... the last one being optional... as wether a Knight did their first move of not is irrelevant... it is not needed to pass a 4th arg
                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if the coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["cb" + str(cb)] # put it in the board dictionary

            else: # black
                cn += 1 # increment
                globals()["cn" + str(cn)] = Knight.Knight(1, i1, i2) # create class instance from import...
                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if the coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["cn" + str(cn)] # put it in the board dictionary

        elif i[2] == "F": # Bishop
            if i[3] == "B": # white

                fb += 1 # increment
                globals()["fb" + str(fb)] = Bishop.Bishop(0, i1, i2) # create class instance from import...
                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if the coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["fb" + str(fb)] # put it in the board dictionary

            else: # black

                fn += 1 # increment
                globals()["fn" + str(fn)] = Fou.Fou(1, i1, i2) # create class instance from import...
                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if the coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["fn" + str(fn)] # put it inside the board dictionary

        elif i[2] == "D": # Queen
            if i[3] == "B": # white

                db += 1 # increment
                globals()["db" + str(db)] = Queen.Queen(0, i1, i2) # create class instance from import...
                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["db" + str(db)] # put it in the board dictionary

            else: # black

                dn += 1 # increment
                globals()["dn" + str(dn)] = Queen.Queen(1, i1, i2) # create class instance from import...
                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if the coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["dn" + str(dn)] # put it inside the board dictionary

        elif i[2] == "R": # King
            if i[3] == "B": # white

                if f_game[2] != 0 or f_game[4] != 0: # white king did not perform its first move
                    did_first_move = False
                else:  # white king did move
                    did_first_move = True

                rb += 1 # increment

                globals()["rb" + str(rb)] = King.King(0, i1, i2, did_first_move) # create class instance from the import...

                pos_r0 = (i1, i2)

                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["rb" + str(rb)] # put it inside the board dictionary

            else: # black

                if f_game[6] != 0 or f_game[8] != 0: # black king did not perform its first move
                    did_first_move = False
                else:  # black king did move
                    first = True

                rn += 1 # increment

                globals()["rn" + str(rn)] = King.King(1, i1, i2, did_first_move) # create class instance from import...

                pos_r1 = (i1, i2)

                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if the coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["rn" + str(rn)] # put it in the board dictionary

        else: # pawn
            if i[3] == "B": # white

                if i1 == 1: # the pawn is still at its starting position
                    did_first_move = False
                else: # the pawn moved from its starting position
                    did_first_move = True

                pb += 1 # increment

                globals()["pb" + str(pb)] = Pawn.Pawn(0, i1, i2, did_first_move) # create class instance from import

                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["pb" + str(pb)] # put it in the board dictionary

            else: # black

                if i1 == 1: # the pawn is still at its starting position
                    did_first_move = False
                else: # the pawn moved from its starting position
                    did_first_move = True

                pn += 1 # increment

                globals()["pn" + str(pn)] = Pawn.Pawn(0, i1, i2, prem_depl) # create class instance from import...

                if i1 < 8 and i2 < 8: # if coordinates are valid...
                    d[(i1, i2)] = globals()["pn" + str(pn)] # put it in the board dictionary

    # create the board class instance from import... which only takes 1 arg... the board itself (dict)
    b = Board.Board(d)

    # create the game (GameManagement class instance... from import)
    # it takes 3 optional args... number of turns since the start of the game, position of white king and position of black king...
    g = GameManagement.GameManagement(f_game[0], pos_r0, pos_r1)

    return g, b

Edit: Hah. Vielen Dank, ich war so festgefahren auf der iteration Fehler habe ich auch nicht finden, wenn ich verbrachte über eine Stunde mit der Suche über alles, könnte es zu einer iteration Fehler.

Es wurde nur die return-Anweisung ist die Einrückung.

Könntest du den traceback? Wie ein Buckel was bedeutet creategame() zurück?
Posting einen riesigen Berg von code ist keine gute Idee. Können Sie bitte feststellen, wo (in welcher Zeile) der Fehler Auftritt ?
Können Sie überprüfen, ob die except FileNotFoundError eigentlich heißt? Und ich glaube nicht, dass es FileNotFoundError sollte es IOError. Versuchen Sie, ändern Sie, und fügen Sie eine print-Anweisung im inneren, um zu sehen, ob die exception aufgerufen wird.
Und anscheinend ist der Fehler in der letzten Zeile, haha

InformationsquelleAutor Saume | 2013-11-18

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