Richtige Weg, um host eine *stabile* WCF-windows-MSMQ-Dienst

Ich habe eine Anwendung, die verwendet MSMQ für die asynchrone Verarbeitung von bestimmten Dingen.

Ich mit WCF setzen Sie Nachrichten auf der Warteschlange und haben einen WCF, MSMQ listener (windows-service), Nachrichten zu empfangen und mit Ihnen umzugehen.

Mein problem ist, halten diese stabil. Was ist der richtige Weg, um mit (beispielsweise) der queue-server (das ist eine separate box) hinunter? Den anderen Tag ist das passiert und der service einfach nur da saß - es werden keine Ausnahmen geworfen wurden, es gerade aufgehört Nachrichten zu empfangen.
Ich will, dass es eine Ausnahme, wenn der queue-server ging down und dann erneut versuchen, sich zu verbinden, bis es in der Lage ist.

Ich habe auch bemerkt, dass die Ausführung einer "stop" auf der service oft bewirkt, dass es hängen schon eine ganze Weile, bevor es endlich aufhört.

Jeder code, suggeriert oder Kritik wäre zu begrüßen. Natürlich habe ich Google für diese erste, aber die meisten Beispiele zeigen, die mich ziemlich viel, was ich schon habe und ich möchte mein system robuster ist als, die.

Derzeit habe ich dieses:

(Hinweis: IMyExampleServiceContract ist mein WCF-service-Vertrag und QueueHandler ist, was implementiert)

namespace xyz.MyExample.MSMQListener
    ///The class that handles starting and stopping of the WCF MSMQ Listener windows service.
    ///It will respond to start and stop commands from within the windows services administration snap-in
    ///It creates a WCF NetMsmqBinding that watches a particular queue for messaages defined by a contract
    ///in the ServiceContracts project.
    public partial class MsmqListenerService : ServiceBase
        ///The WCF service host
        private ServiceHost _serviceHost;

        ///Defines the maximum size for a WCF message
        private const long MaxMessageSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; //1 gb
        ///Defines the maximum size for a WCF array
        private const int MaxArraySize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; //1 gb

        ///The queue name
        private readonly string _queueName;
        ///The queue server
        private readonly string _queueServer;

        ///Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MsmqListenerService"/> class.
        public MsmqListenerService()
            using (ConfigManager config = new ConfigManager())
                _queueName = config.GetAppSetting("QueueName");
                _queueServer = config.GetAppSetting("QueueServer");

        ///When implemented in a derived class, executes when a Start command is sent to the service by the Service Control Manager (SCM) or when the operating system starts (for a service that starts automatically). Specifies actions to take when the service starts.
        ///The logic in this method creates a WCF service host (i.e. something that listens for messages) using the <see cref="IMyExampleServiceContract"/> contract.
        ///The WCF end point is a NetMSMQBinding to the MyExample MSMQ server/queue.
        ///It sets up this end point and provides a class to handle the messages received on it.
        ///The NetMSMQBinding is a Microsoft WCF binding that handles serialisation of data to MSMQ. It is a ms proprietary format and means that the message on the queue
        ///can only be read by a WCF service with the correct contract information.
        ///<param name="args">Data passed by the start command.</param>
        protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
                Logger.Write("MyExample MSMQ listener service started.", StandardCategories.Information);

                Uri serviceUri = new Uri("net.msmq://" + QueueServer + QueueName);

                NetMsmqBinding serviceBinding = new NetMsmqBinding();
                serviceBinding.Security.Transport.MsmqAuthenticationMode = MsmqAuthenticationMode.None;
                serviceBinding.Security.Transport.MsmqProtectionLevel = System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel.None;
                serviceBinding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = MaxMessageSize;
                serviceBinding.ReaderQuotas.MaxArrayLength = MaxArraySize;

                //QueueHandler implements IMyExampleServiceContract
                _serviceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(QueueHandler));
                _serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMyExampleServiceContract), serviceBinding, serviceUri);

                Logger.Write("MyExample MSMQ listener service completed OnStart method.", StandardCategories.Information);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionReporting.ReportException(ex, "DefaultExceptionPolicy");

        ///Gets the name of the queue to send to. 
        ///This is retrieved from the application settings under QueueName
        private string QueueName
            get { return _queueName; }

        ///Gets the name of the queue server to send to. 
        ///This is retrieved from the application settings under QueueServer
        private string QueueServer
            get { return _queueServer; }

        ///When implemented in a derived class, executes when a Stop command is sent to the service by the Service Control Manager (SCM). Specifies actions to take when a service stops running.
        protected override void OnStop()
            if (_serviceHost != null)
                _serviceHost = null;

        ///The main entry point for the application.
        public static void Main()
            //Code will have to be compiled in release mode to be installed as a windows service
            #if (!DEBUG)
                    Logger.Write("Attempting to start queue listener service.", StandardCategories.Information);
                    ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun;
                    ServicesToRun = new ServiceBase[]
                            new MsmqListenerService()
                    Logger.Write("Finished ServiceBase.Run of queue listener service.", StandardCategories.Information);
                catch (Exception e)
                    ExceptionReporting.ReportException(e, "DefaultExceptionPolicy");
                //This allows us to run from within visual studio
                MsmqListenerService service = new MsmqListenerService();

InformationsquelleAutor David | 2009-09-24
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