Serialisieren von Objekten in Dateien in android

Schreiben, jetzt habe ich diese Klasse, die ich möchte in der Lage sein, zu speichern und zu öffnen durch Serialisierung:

public class Region
implements Serializable
private final int      inputNumberOfColumnsAlongXAxis;
private final int      inputNumberOfColumnsAlongYAxis;
private double         inputDataScaleReductionOnXAxis;
private double         inputDataScaleReductionOnYAxis;

private int            numberOfColumnsAlongXAxis;
private int            numberOfColumnsAlongYAxis;
private int            cellsPerColumn;                //Z-Axis dimension
private float          inhibitionRadius;
private final float    percentMinimumOverlapScore;
private final float    minimumOverlapScore;

 * Save the current Region object on the view into a file named
 * "TrainedRegion".
public static byte[] serializeObject(Object region)
    //TODO: save with current timestamp and use open pop-up
    //String timeStamp = "" + System.currentTimeMillis() /1000;
    //String fileName = ("Region created at timestamp(seconds): " +
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    try {
      ObjectOutput objectOutput = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);

      //Get the bytes of the serialized object
      byte[] bytesOfSerializedObject = baos.toByteArray();

      return bytesOfSerializedObject;
    } catch(IOException ioe) {
      Log.e("serializeObject", "error", ioe);

      return null;

 * Returns a previously saved Region object with the given name.
 * @param fileName
 * @return A previously saved Region object.
public static Object deserializeObject(byte[] bytes)
    //TODO: later read Region object saved in file named by the time stamp during
    //ObjectInputStream inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(new

    try {
        ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
        Object object = in.readObject();

        return object;
      } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
        Log.e("deserializeObject", "class not found error", cnfe);

        return null;
      } catch(IOException ioe) {
        Log.e("deserializeObject", "io error", ioe);

        return null;

Folgendes ist in meinem "Bildschirm" - Klasse, die fungiert als controller für mein Modell oben, und meine Ansicht(auf dem Bildschirm):

 * I want to be able to open a Region instance that was saved.
public void openClicked() 
    //open the file created below in save method and write all the bytes into
    //the global region instance for this class. How can do this?

    this.region = (Region) this.region.deserializeObject(savedRegionInBytes);

public void saveClicked()
    this.savedRegionInBytes = this.region.serializeObject(this.region);

    //TODO: write savedRegionInBytes to a file. How can I do this?

Auch wenn es ein einfacher Weg zum serialisieren von Objekten in Dateien in android würde ich es gerne hören. Danke!

InformationsquelleAutor Q Liu | 2012-11-15
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