So aktualisieren Sie PHP-Formular, wenn der Benutzer klicken Sie auf submit-button?

Ich habe ein Formular, dass Daten aktualisiert. Wenn ich auf die Schaltfläche "aktualisieren" aktualisiert die Daten in der Datenbank, zeigt aber die alten Daten in das Formular ein, und ich muss die Seite aktualisieren wieder die aktuellen Daten. Wenn ich die action von der Seite, es hält die Aktualisierung der Daten.

Ich soll die update-Seite um die Daten zu aktualisieren, wenn der Benutzer klickt auf Button "Einreichen".

Bitte sagen Sie mir den Weg, um dieses problem zu überwinden.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet_dashboard.css"  />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<title>Update Single Products</title>

<div id='Header'>

if (isset ($_SESSION['username']) )

    //echo "<div id='nav'";
    echo "<ul><hr>
     <li><a href='insert_product.php' >Add Product  </a></li>   
     <li><a href='add_category.php'> Add Category </a></li> 
      <li><a href='add_sub_category.php'> Add Sub-Category </a></li>    
     <li><a href = 'view_products.php'  >View All Products</a>  </li>
     <li><a href = 'all_categories.php'  >View All Categories</a>  </li>
      <li><a href='view_all_sub_categories.php'>View All Sub Categories</a></li>


include 'connect.php';  
$id= $_GET['product_id'];
if (isset($id))
    //$order_id =array();

echo "<a href='view_products.php' >view Products </a>";

    /*  $select_query=  "select * from products Left join product_description 
        ON products.product_id=$id and product_description.product_id=$id";
            $select_query=  "select * from products Left join product_description 
                    ON products.product_id=$id and product_description.product_id=$id";
                                $select_query= "SELECT products.*,product_description.* FROM products
                                    INNER JOIN product_description
                        ON (products.product_id=$id AND product_description.product_id=$id 

                            $select_query=  "select * from products LEFT JOIN product_description 
                            ON products.product_id='".$id."' and 
                            where products.product_id='".$id."'     ";

                    global $order_id;
                    global $i;      
                    global $location;

                        // $image_form_query =     "select * from product_images where product_id= $id";
                        // $image_form_run=        mysql_query($image_form_query);
                        // $image_form_fetch=      mysql_fetch_array($image_form_run);
                        // echo  'File     '.$image_from_fetch['name'];

            if(!$select_query_run=   mysql_query($select_query))
                echo mysql_error();



                $product_images         ="select * from product_images where product_id=$id";
                $product_images_run     =mysql_query($product_images);

                while ($product_images_fetch    =mysql_fetch_array($product_images_run))
                $location[]             =$product_images_fetch['images'];                       

                $select_query_run2=  mysql_query($select_query);
                $fetch =     mysql_fetch_array ($select_query_run2);        

                echo "  
                <form action='update_single_product.php?product_id=$id' method='POST'
                 enctype='multipart/form-data' >
                <table border=1>

                <label>Product Name:</label> </td>  <td><input type='text' 
                name='product_name' value='".$fetch['name']."'  />*Required</td></tr>

                <tr><td><label>Item No:</label></td> <td><input type='text' 
                                name='item_no' value='".$fetch['item_no']."'></td></tr>

                <tr><td>Recipient   </td>   <td> <input type='text'
                                 name='recipient' value='".$fetch['recipient']."'  ></td></tr> 

                <tr><td>    Total Carat Weight</td> <td><input type='text' 
                                name= 'total_carat_weight' value='".$fetch['total_carat_weight']."' ></td></tr>

                <tr><td>    Metal </td><td><input type='text'
                                 name='metal'   value='".$fetch['metal']."' ></td></tr>

                <tr><td>    Stone Shape </td><td><input type='text'
                                 name='stone_shape' value='".$fetch['stone_shape']."' ></td></tr>

                <tr><td>    Stone Type</td><td> <input type='text'
                                 name='stone_type'  value='".$fetch['stone_type']."'></td></tr> 

                <tr><td>    Stone Setting</td><td> <input type='text'
                                 name='stone_setting'   value='".$fetch['stone_setting']."'></td></tr> 

                <tr><td>    Wastage </td><td><input type='text' 
                                name='wastage'  value='".$fetch['wastage']."'></td></tr></br></br>

                <tr><td>    Retail_price </td><td><input type='text'
                                 name='retail_price' value='".$fetch['retail_price']."'></td></tr>

                <tr><td>    Actual Price: </td><td> <input type= 'text'
                                 name= 'actual_price' value='".$fetch['actual_price']."' /></td></tr>*Required

                <tr><td>    Description:</td><td><input type='text'
                                 name='description'  value='".$fetch['description']."' /></td></tr>

                <tr><td>    Image1:</td><td> <input type='file'
                                 name= 'files[]' > 
                                 <img src='$location[0]' height='60' width='60' >   </td></tr> *Required

                <tr><td>    Image2:</td><td> <input type='file' 
                                name= 'files[]' >
                                <img src=  '$location[1]' height='60' width='60'>

                <tr><td>    Image3:</td><td> <input type='file'
                                 name= 'files[]' >
                                 <img src = '$location[2]' height='60' width='60'>
                                 </td></tr></table> ";

    Drop Down List Start
    ------------------  */      

                echo "<select name='category'>";

                    $select_query=          'Select * from category';
                    $select_query_run =     mysql_query($select_query);

                    $sub_category_query=    "Select * from sub_categories";
                    $sub_query_run=         mysql_query($sub_category_query);

                while   ($select_query_array=   mysql_fetch_array($select_query_run) )

                            echo "<option value='".$select_query_array['category_id']."' >".

                            "<option value='".$sub_query_run['sub_category_id']."'  >" .
                            htmlspecialchars($sub_query_run['sub_category_name']).   "</option>".



                echo "</br>";

                 $selectTag= "</br><input type='submit' value='Update Product'  /></select></form>";

                 echo "</div></div>";

                 echo $selectTag;

                     //NEW $_POST ADDING 
                     //To Avoid Update Problem

                 if (isset($_POST['product_name']) || isset ($_POST['item_no']) || isset ($_POST['recipient'])
                || isset($_POST['total_carat_weight']) || isset ($_POST['metal']) || isset($_POST['stone_shape'])
                || isset($_POST['stone_setting']) || isset($_POST['wastage'])  || isset($_POST['retail_price'])
                ||  isset($_POST['actual_price']) && isset($_POST['description'])   )

    Drop Down List End

                                $product_name =         $_POST['product_name'];
                                $item_no=               $_POST['item_no'];
                                $recipient=             $_POST['recipient'];
                                $total_carat_weight=    $_POST['total_carat_weight'];
                                $metal=                 $_POST['metal'];
                                $stone_shape=           $_POST['stone_shape'];
                                $stone_type=            $_POST['stone_type'];
                                $stone_setting=         $_POST['stone_setting'];
                                $wastage=               $_POST['wastage'];
                                $retail_price=          $_POST['retail_price'];
                                $actual_price=          $_POST['actual_price'];
                                $description=           $_POST['description'];

                                $query= "Update products set name='".$product_name."'  
                                where product_id=$id";

                                $query2="Update product_description set recipient='".$recipient."' ,
                                        total_carat_weight='".$total_carat_weight."', metal='".$metal."',
                                        stone_shape='".$stone_shape."' , stone_type='".$stone_type."',
                                        stone_setting='".$stone_setting."', wastage='".$wastage."',
                                         actual_price='".$actual_price. "',
                                        where product_id=$id ";

                                        $insert_query=  "insert into product_description 
                                                '$stone_type','$stone_setting', '$wastage',
                                                '$retail_price','$price' ,'$description'    ) ";

                                                $insert_query_run=  mysql_query($insert_query);

                                $query_run= mysql_query($query); 
                                $query_run2= mysql_query($query2) ;

                                    IMAGE QUERY 2

                            if (isset($_FILES['files'])
                            ||  ($_FILES["files"]["type"]   == "image/jpeg"))


                                foreach($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'] as $key=> $tmp_name)

                                        //echo $tmp_name."<br>";

                                        echo 'number<br>';
                                        echo    $image_name=        $_FILES["files"]["name"][$key];  

                                        $random_name=       rand().$_FILES["files"]["name"][$key];

                                        $folder="upload/products/" .$random_name;                       

                                                    "upload/products/" . $random_name);

                                echo '<br>';                            
                                echo    $sql= "update product_images set name= '$random_name', 
                                            images= '$folder' where product_id= $id ";                              

                                                if ($query_run= mysql_query($sql))

                                                    echo '<br>';
                                                    echo 'Done';

                                                        echo mysql_error();



                                     IMAGE QUERY 2- END
                        echo "Print Arrray </br>";
                        print_r ($_FILES['files']['name']);         
                        echo "Print Arrray </br>";

                                    IMAGE-QUERY Test 002
            $allowedExts = array("gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png");
            $extension = end(explode(".", $_FILES["files"]["name"]));

                            if (isset($_FILES['files'])
                            ||  ($_FILES["files"]["type"]   == "image/jpeg")
                                    && in_array($extension, $allowedExts))

                                    echo "Printing Number Count </br>";
                                    echo count($_FILES['files']);
                                    echo "<br>Counting End";

                                    //echo "$_FILES['files']['name']";      
        Taking Current Order_id

        //$order_sql=           "select MAX(ord) from product_images";

            $order_sql=         "SELECT ord from product_images where product_id=$id";                      

            $order_sql_run=     mysql_query($order_sql);

            echo mysql_error();                 
            //UNDOOOO ooo OOo oooOO oOo oOOOoo OooO oOo
            if ($_FILES['files']['name']=="")
                echo "No Update";   


$uploaded_files = array_filter($_FILES['files'], function($file){ 
    return $file['size']; 
echo "Stack    ";
print count($uploaded_files);
echo "Stack    ";            

        // for($i=0; $i<=  $order_fetch=mysql_fetch_array($order_sql_run) ; $i++)  
        for($i=0; $i<=  $order_fetch=mysql_fetch_array($order_sql_run) ; $i++)  

            //while ($order_fetch=     mysql_fetch_array($order_sql_run))

                //echo  'ID '.          $order_id[$i]=$order_fetch[(ord)] ;
                                        $order_id[$i]=$order_fetch[(ord)] ;

                                        // foreach($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'] as $key=> $tmp_name)
                                // {
                                        //$image_sql= "select image_id from product_images where ";

                                        //echo $tmp_name."<br>";

                                        //echo 'number<br>';
                                    // echo    $image_name=        $_FILES["files"]["name"][$key];  

                                        $image_name=        $_FILES["files"]["name"][$i];                                       

                                    //Old Method Of Taking Name
                                        $random_name=       rand().$_FILES["files"]["name"][$i];

                                    //New Method of taking Name
                                $image_extension=           $_FILES["files"]["name"];                               
                                $image_extension_pos=       strpos($image_extension,'.');
                        echo    "ImageExtension ".  $image_extension_substr=    

                                        //$random_name=     rand().$i;

                                        $random_name=       rand().$_FILES["files"]["name"][$i];

                                        $folder="upload/products/" .$random_name;                       

                                                    "upload/products/" . $random_name);

                                //print_r ($order_id);

                        echo    'Val1   '.  $val1=   $order_id[1];
                        echo    'Val2   '.  $val2=   $order_id[2];
                        echo    'Val3   '.  $val3=   $order_id[3];
                                echo '<br>';    

                                echo    $sql= "update product_images set name= '$random_name', 
                                            images= '$folder' where product_id= $id and 
                                            ord=$order_id[$i] ";        

                            echo    $sql= "update product_images set name= '$random_name', 
                                            images= '$folder' where product_id= $id and 
                                            ord=$val1 ";

                        echo        $sql2= "update product_images set name= '$random_name', 
                                            images= '$folder' where product_id= $id and 
                                            ord=$val2 ";

                        echo        $sql3= "update product_images set name= '$random_name', 
                                            images= '$folder' where product_id= $id and 
                                            ord=$val3 ";
                            // mysql_query($sql2);
                            // mysql_query($sql3);         

                                                if ($query_run= mysql_query($sql))
                                                    //mysql_query ($sql2);

                                                    //mysql_query ($sql3);                                                  
                                                    echo '<br>';
                                                    echo 'Done';
                                                    header ('Location:view_products.php ');

                                                        echo mysql_error();



                                    IMAGE-QUERY Test 002

                //echo 'Printing Array<br>';

        Taking Current Order_id

                                if($query_run && $query2)

                                    echo "Records have been inserted. Please go to 
                                                <a href='view_products.php'>View Products page</a>to see the Updates";


                                    elseif (mysql_affected_rows()==1)
                                            $insert_query=  "insert into product_description 
                                                '$stone_type','$stone_setting', '$wastage',
                                                '$retail_price','$price' ,'$description'    ) ";

                                            if ($insert_query_run=  mysql_query($insert_query))
                                                echo "<br> Insert Query Runs!!! </br>"; 
                                                    echo mysql_error();


                                        echo mysql_error()."Please fill the Required Fields";

    echo "Invalid Product! Go back to";
    echo "<a href='dashboard.php'> Dashboard</a>";

    echo "You Must need to Log in To Visit this Page!";

  • Zeigen Sie Ihren code ein und erhalten Sie Vorschläge, wie Sie zu verbessern.
  • Lesen Sie auf AJAX.
  • Setzen Sie hier Ihren code so ganz einfach zu lösen
  • Mein code 524 Zeilen lang das ist, warum ich nicht poste es hier. Ich Habe aktualisiert mein code. Kindly überprüfung es.
  • Fragen in Bezug auf Probleme mit dem code, den Sie geschrieben haben muss beschreiben Sie das problem und sind Sie gültigen code, um es zu reproduzieren — in der Frage selbst. Siehe für die Führung.
  • Diese Frage scheint off-topic, weil es um die Beurteilung von 600 Zeilen code.

InformationsquelleAutor Taha Kirmani | 2013-08-23
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