Tic Tac Toe-Spiel 2D-Array

Mein code läuft, aber es funktioniert nicht, drucken Sie alles im board. Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, ich habe getan, ein paar Dinge falsch, und wenn jemand könnte mich in die richtige Richtung, das wäre Super.. Danke für jede Hilfe!!!


using namespace std;

void drawBoard(char board[][3]);
char checkWinner3by3(char board[][3]);

int main()
    //This array of chars represents the game board, and it holds the content
    //of each space. By default all spaces are set to a blank space.
    char board[3][3] = {{' ',' ',' '},{' ',' ',' '},{' ',' ',' '}};

    //The current player. Because X plays first, initialize to X
    char player = 'X';

    //The winner. either 'X', 'O', or 't' if it's a tie.
    //Or a blank space if the game has not finished.
    char winner = ' ';

    //These variables will hold the number of the row and column selected
    //by the players.
    int row;
    int column;

    //boolean variables used to verify if the move is valid.
    bool is_move;
    bool is_row;
    bool is_column;

    cout<<"************ TIC TAC TOE ************\n";

    //The game loops again and again until the game is over
    while(winner == ' ')
        //set the boolean variables back to false for a new turn.
        is_move = false; 
        is_row = false;
        is_column = false;

        //draw the board.

        //If the game is not yet over show who`s the next player to move
        cout << "Player ";
        if(player == 'X')
            cout << 1;
            cout << 2;
        cout << "'s turn:" << endl;

        //Loop until the player selects a valid space for their move
        is_move = false;
            //Loop until the player selects a valid row
            //Assume the user inputs a valid integer
            is_row = false;
                cout << "Row: ";
                cin >> row;
                if(row == 1 || row == 2 || row == 3)
                    is_row = true;
                    cout << endl << "Invalid row!" << endl;
            } //end of input row loop

            //Loop until the player selects a valid column
            //Assume the user inputs a valid integer
            is_column = false;
                cout << "Column: ";
                cin >> column;
                if(column == 1 || column == 2 || column == 3)
                    is_column = true;
                    cout << endl << "Invalid column!" << endl;
            } //end of input column loop

            //If the space is empty, mark the chosen space and swich players
            if(board[row-1][column-1] == ' ')
                //Mark the space and end the player's turn
                board[row-1][column-1] = player;
                is_move = true;

                //Switch to the other player
                if(player == 'X')
                    player = 'O';
                    player = 'X';
            } //end of marking space and changing players

            //If the space is occupied
                cout<<"The selected space is occupied!" << endl;
                cout << "Select a different space:" << endl << endl;
        } //end of player's move loop

        cout << endl; //for nice output formatting

        //check if the player won.
        winner = checkWinner3by3(board);

        //If there's a winner
        if(winner == 'X' || winner == 'O')

            //Display congratulations message
            cout<<"Congratulations! Player ";
            if(winner == 'X')
                cout << 1;
                cout << 2;
            cout<<" is the winner!"<<endl;
        else if(winner == 'T')

            //Display a message if it`s tie
            cout << "It's a tie!" << endl;

    } //End of player's turn loop

    return 0;

//Prints the game board
//We know the board is 3 by 3 so we don't need to have the number of rows as
//a parameter.
void drawBoard(char board[][3])
    char print[][3] = {{' ',' ',' '},
                        {' ',' ',' '},
                        {' ',' ',' '}};

    cout << "     1   2   3" << endl;
    cout << "   +---+---+---+" << endl;

    cout << " 1" << " | " << print[0][0] << " | " << print[0][1] << " | " << print[0][2] << " | " << endl;
    cout << "   +---+---+---+" << endl;

    cout << " 2" << " | " << print[1][0] << " | " << print[1][1] << " | " << print[1][2] << " | " << endl;
    cout << "   +---+---+---+" << endl;

    cout << " 3" << " | " << print[2][0] << " | " << print[2][1] << " | " << print[2][2] << " | " << endl;
    cout << "   +---+---+---+" << endl;

//Checks the whole board if there is a winner.
//We know the board is 3 by 3 so we don't need to have the number of rows as
//a parameter.
char checkWinner3by3(char board[][3])

    for(i=0; i<3; i++)  /* check rows */
        if(board[i][0]==board[i][1] && board[i][0]==board[i][2])
            return board[i][0];

    for(i=0; i<3; i++)  /* check columns */
        if(board[0][i]==board[1][i] && board[0][i]==board[2][i]) 
            return board[0][i];
       /* test diagonals */
    if(board[0][0]==board[1][1] && board[1][1]==board[2][2])
        return board[0][0];

    if(board[0][2]==board[1][1] && board[1][1]==board[2][0])
       return board[0][2];

    return ' ';
Ist dieses Hausaufgaben?
Ja ist er, das ist, warum ich brauche nur jemanden, lenken mich in die richtige Richtung. Zeigen sich Fehler, die ich habe, so kann ich versuchen und zu lösen. Ich bin neu in c++.

InformationsquelleAutor Noob | 2013-05-02

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