TypeError: Can ' T convert 'NoneType' object to str implizit

Ich bin neu in Python, also glaube ich nicht verstehen, warum ich erhalte die folgende Fehlermeldung: TypeError: Can ' T convert 'NoneType' object to str implizit

import math, os
    while True:
        loadfile = input ("Get a string from input or file: ").lower()
        if loadfile == "":
            print("You need to enter whether you want the string from input or a file. Please try again")
        elif loadfile[0] != "i" and loadfile[0] != "s" and loadfile[0] != "f":
            print("You can only choose to get the string from input or a file. Please try again")
            loadfile = loadfile[0] == "f"
            raise Execption
except Exception:

if loadfile:
    while True:
        filename = input ("Enter a file name containing a string: ")
        if filename == "":
            print("You need to enter a file name, you can not leave it blank. Please try again")
        elif not os.path.isfile(filename):
            print ("This file does not exist. Please try again")
                file = open(filename, "r")
            except OSError:
                print("Your operating system threw an error")
                print("The file may be in use, or your filename may be invalid")
                string = file.read()
                if os.path.getsize(filename) == 0:
                        print("Found the file vut the file is empty. Enter another file")
                    flag = False
                    for x in string:
                        if x.isalpha():
                            flag = True
                    if flag:
                        print("The string inside this file does not contain a character from the alphabet. Please try again")
    if (len(string) <= 200):
        print ("Found the string: " + string)
        print("String found, but not being printed since it it greater than 200 characters")
        while True:
            string = input ("Enter your string: ");
            if string == "":
                print ("Invalid response. You need to enter a plaintext message to be able to continue")
                for x in string:
                    if x.isalpha():
                        raise Exception;
                print ("You did not enter a character from the alphabet in your plaintext message. Please try again");
    except Exception:

string2 = ""
string3 = ""

    while True:
        keyword = input ("Enter your KEYWORD: ");
        if keyword == "":
            print ("You need to enter a keyword. Please try again");
        elif keyword.isalpha():
            raise Exception;
            print ("Your keyword cannot contain any numbers, spaces, or symbols. Please try again");
except Exception:

keywordRepeated = (keyword * math.ceil(len(string)/len(keyword))).upper()

    while True:
        keyword2 = input ("Enter your second KEYWORD: ");
        if keyword2 == "":
            print ("You need to enter a keyword. Please try again");
        elif keyword2.isalpha():
            raise Exception;
            print ("Your keyword cannot contain any numbers, spaces, or symbols. Please try again");
except Exception:

keyword2Repeated = (keyword2 * math.ceil(len(string)/len(keyword2))).upper()        

    while True:
        decryption = input("Would you like to encrypt or decrypt?: ").lower()
        if decryption == "":
            print("You need to enter whether you want to undergo the encryption or decryption process. Please try again")
        elif decryption[0] != "d" and decryption[0] != "e":
            print("You can only choose encryption or decryption. Please try again")
            decryption = decryption[0] == "d"
            raise Exception
except Exception:

    while True:
        savefile = input("Should the string be saved ot the file, or displayed on screen?: ").lower()
        if savefile == "":
            print("You need to enter whether to save the string to a file or display it on screen")
        elif savefile[0] != "d" and savefile[0] != "s" and savefile[0] != "f":
            print("You can only choose to save the string to a file or display it on screen")
            savefile = savefile[0] != "d"
            raise Exception
except Exception:

firstuppercase = ord("A"); firstlowercase = ord("a"); lastuppercase = ord("Z"); lastlowercase = ord("z");

def encryptedChar(position, parString, parKeyword):
    if not parString[position].isalpha():
        return parString[position]
    charnum = ord(parString[position])
    modifier = ord(parKeyword[position].upper()) + 1 - firstuppercase
    modifier *= -1 if decryption else 1
    charnum2 = charnum + modifier

    if decryption:
        if charnum <= lastuppercase and charnum2 < firstuppercase:
            charnum += 26
        elif charnum >= firstlowercase and charnum2 < fisrtlowercase:
            charnum += 26
        if charnum <= lastuppercase and charnum2 > lastuppercase:
            charnum2 -= 26
        elif charnum >= firstlowercase and charnum2 > lastlowercase:
            charnum2 -= 26
for x in range(len(string)):
    string2 += encryptedChar(x, string, keywordRepeated)
    string3 += encryptedChar(x, string2, keyword2Repeated)

if savefile:
    while True:
            while True:
                filename = input ("Enter a filename to save to: ")
                if filename == "":
                    print("You need to enter a file name, you cannot leave it blank")
                    raise Exception
        except Exception:

            file = open(filename, "w")
            raise Exception
        except OSError:
            print("Your operating system threw an error")
            print("The file may be in use, or your file may be invalid")
        except Exception:
            print("Save successful!")

ich möchte den code ausführen, wie es unten ist, aber ich bekomme immer diese typeerror

Get a string from input or file: i
Enter your string: letters
Enter your KEYWORD: working
Enter your second KEYWORD: code
Would you like to encrypt or decrypt?: e
Should the string be saved ot the file, or displayed on screen?: d
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\User\Documents\task 3.py", line 138, in <module>
    string2 += encryptedChar(x, string, keywordRepeated)
TypeError: Can't convert 'NoneType' object to str implicitly
  • Wenn parString[position].isalpha() ist Wahr, encryptedChar implizit zurück None. Hoffe, das hilft.
  • Unabhängig von der Frage selbst, aber du bist das auslösen von Ausnahmen falsch. Sie müssen, um eine Instanz der Ausnahme, nicht der Typ. Das bedeutet, dass raise Exception(), nicht raise Exception
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