"Unexpected token: Void" Fehler bei der Verarbeitung IDE, verursacht durch die for-Schleife unabhängig von der position?

Ich bin versucht derzeit, einen code, eine einfache audio-delay-sketch in processing IDE. Ich bekomme immer ein "unexpected token: Void" Fehler deutete auf meine Leere Setup () - Funktion. Wenn ich kommentieren Sie den Inhalt dieser for-Schleife:

for (int i = 0; i < output.length; i++)  
    output[i] = (audioData[i]+audioData[i-44100];  

dann dieser Fehler nicht angezeigt. Dieser Fehler tritt auf, unabhängig davon, welche Funktion ich diesen loop in, und ich habe versucht die Codierung in Alternative Wege. Kein Glück.

Hier ist der code für die Reiter, die, gebe mir Mühe:

AudioThread audioThread;
//we'll use this to store the audio data we read from the audio file
float[] audioData;
float[] delayData;
//we'll use this to remember our position in the audio data array
float readHead;
float readHeadDelay;

void setup() {
    size(500, 400, P2D);
    //the audio file we want to play, which should be in the data dir
    String audioFilename = "myk_hats_dub1.wav";

    //read the audio data into a float array using the AudioFileIn class
    audioData = new AudioFileIn(audioFilename, this).getSampleData();
    delayData = new AudioFileIn(audioFilename, this).getSampleData();

    //print how many samples we read
    println("Read " + audioData.length + " samples");
    //set the read head to zero, the first sample
    readHead = 0;
    readHeadDelay = 44100;
    //start up the audio thread
    audioThread = new AudioThread();

void draw() {

//this function gets called when you press the escape key in the sketch
void stop() {
    //tell the audio to stop
    //call the version of stop defined in our parent class, in case it does
    //anything vital

//this gets called by the audio thread when it wants some audio
//we should fill the sent buffer with the audio we want to send to the
//audio output
void generateAudioOut(float[] buffer) {

    for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {

        //copy data from the audio we read from the file (audioData)
        //into the buffer that gets sent to the sound card
        buffer[i] = audioData[(int) readHead];

        //add a sample from the other array
        buffer[i] += delayData[(int) readHeadDelay];
        //scale it so it does not go over 1.0
        buffer[i] *= 0.5;

        //move the read head along one, resetting to zero
        //if it goes to the end of the audioData array
        if (readHead >= audioData.length) {
            readHead = 0;
        if (readHeadDelay >= delayData.length) {
            readHeadDelay = 0;


kann jemand helfen?

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