wie erstellen Sie sub-partition in oracle?

Nun begann ich zu lernen, partition-Konzept in oracle.einige, wie werde ich zum verwalten von Partitionen jetzt habe ich versucht, erstellen Sie sub-partition in Oracle. Ich habe diesen Fehler

SQL Error: ORA-14160: this physical attribute may not be specified for a table subpartition
14160. 00000 -  "this physical attribute may not be specified for a table subpartition"
*Cause:    unexpected option was encountered while parsing physical
           attributes of a table subpartition; TABLESPACE is the only valid
*Action:   remove invalid option(s)
*Comment:  this error could have resulted from omission of a
           terminating (right) parenthesis following the list of
           subpartition descriptions

entsprechende code ist:

create table sub_pat_test(emp_name varchar2(30),job_id varchar2(30),hire_date date)
   partition by range(hire_date) subpartition by list(job_id)(
   partition p1 values less than(to_date('01-01-2003','dd-mm-yyyy'))(
    subpartition sp1 values('HR_REP','PU_MAN'),subpartition sp11 values(default)),

   partition p2 values less than(to_date('01-01-2004','dd-mm-yyyy'))(
    subpartition sp2 values('AC_ACCOUNT','FI_ACCOUNT') 
    subpartition sp22 values(default)
    partition p3 values less than(to_date('01-01-2005','dd-mm-yyyy'))(
    subpartition sp3 values('SH_CLERK','ST_CLERK')
    subpartition sp33 values(default)
   partition p4 values less than(to_date('01-01-2006','dd-mm-yyyy'))(
    subpartition sp4 values('SA_MAN','PU_MAN')
    subpartition sp44 values(default)
   partition p5 values less than(maxvalues)(
    subpartition sp5 values(default)
   )) ;

vielen Dank im Voraus!

InformationsquelleAutor Thiyagu ATR | 2013-02-28
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