Finden Sie das nächste Ziel für mich in der Einheit

Habe ich eine Spieler-Klasse in der Einheit, die alle funktioniert gut, außer für meine ClosestTarget Funktion. Die Funktion funktioniert wie ich es wollte, aber jetzt ist es immer nur picks Cube 2 (Das Letzte element in der Liste), auch wenn ich näher an einem anderen cube.

Die Klasse ist, wie gezeigt:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Player : MonoBehaviour

    public int health; //Current health
    public int stamina; //Current stamina
    public int maxHealth = 100; //Constant for max health
    public int maxStamina = 500; //Constant for max stamina
    protected CharacterController chCtrl; //Reference to the character controller
    protected CharacterMotor chMotor; //Reference to the character motor
    public float walkSpeed = 3; //Speed at which the player walks
    public float runSpeed = 20; //Speed at which the player runs
    public bool isWalking = false; //Check for whether the player is walking
    public bool isRunning = false; //Check for whether the player is running
    public bool isFatigued = false; //Check for whether the player is fatigued
    public List<Transform> targets; //Create a list of transforms
    public Transform currentTarget;
    float distance = Mathf.Infinity;

    //Use this for initialization
    void Start ()
        //Get the character controller assigned to the current game object
        chCtrl = GetComponent<CharacterController> ();
        //Get the character motor assigned to the current game object
        chMotor = GetComponent<CharacterMotor> ();
        //Set the stamina to the max stamina
        stamina = maxStamina;
        //Set the health to the max health
        health = maxHealth;
        //Initialise the targets list
        targets = new List<Transform>();
        //Call the function to retrieve all buttons in the scene

    //Update is called once per frame
    void Update ()
        //Call the function to set the speed of the player
        SetSpeed ();


    public void SetSpeed ()
        //Set the player to walking speed by default
        float speed = walkSpeed;

        //If the stamina is less than or equal to 0
        if (stamina <= 0) 
            //Set the player as fatigued
            isFatigued = true;
            //Set the player to walking
            speed = walkSpeed;
            //Set stamina to 0
            stamina = 0;
        //If the stamina is greater than or equal to max stamina
        if(stamina >= maxStamina)
            //Set the stamina to the max stamina
            stamina = maxStamina;
            //Set the player as not fatigued
            isFatigued = false;
        //If the player is moving along either the x or y axis
        if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") !=0 || Input.GetAxis("Vertical") !=0)
        //If the player is fatigued
        if(isFatigued == true)
                //Set the player to walking speed
                speed = walkSpeed;
                //Player is not running
                isRunning = false;
                //Player is walking
                isWalking = true;
                //Start increasing stamina
        //If the player is touching the ground and the user is either pressing left shift or right shift
        else if (chCtrl.isGrounded && Input.GetKey ("left shift") || Input.GetKey ("right shift") && isFatigued == false ) 
                //Set the player to running speed
                speed = runSpeed;
                //Player is running
                isRunning = true;
                //Player is not walking
                isWalking = false;
                //Start reducting stamina
                //Set the player to walking speed
                speed = walkSpeed;
                //Player is not running
                isRunning = false;
                //Player is walking
                isWalking = true;
                //Start increasing stamina
            //Player is not running
            isRunning = false;
            //Player is not walking
            isWalking = false;
            //Start increasing stamina
        //Set the players speed to either walkSpeed or runSpeed
        chMotor.movement.maxForwardSpeed = speed;

    void AddAllButtons()
        //Create an array that contains all game objects tagged with 'button'
        GameObject[] buttons = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Button"); 
        //For each of the game objects in the array
        foreach(GameObject button in buttons)
            //Add the transform of the button

    void AddButton(Transform button)
        //Add the transform of the button into the targets list

    void ButtonCheck(Transform button)
        Vector3 dir = (button.position - transform.position).normalized;
        float direction = Vector3.Dot(dir, transform.forward);

        if(direction > 0.7F && Vector3.Distance(currentTarget.position, transform.position) < 2.0F)
            print("Button has been clicked");

    void ClosestTarget()
        foreach (Transform button in targets) 
        Vector3 diff = (button.position - transform.position); 
        float curDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, button.position );
        if (curDistance < distance ) 
          currentTarget = button;
          distance = curDistance;

Wie gesagt, das problem ist mit der ClosestTargets Funktion. Es zu finden ist der Abstand für jeden cube aber immer nur wählt das Letzte element in der Liste targets.

Finden Sie das nächste Ziel für mich in der Einheit

Es zeigt immer noch die Entfernung von jeder Würfel in der Konsole.

Finden Sie das nächste Ziel für mich in der Einheit

InformationsquelleAutor therealkf | 2013-10-17

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